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#To create a Number based cricket game # First the rules should be defined import time class bcolors: HEADER = '\033[95m' PURPLE = '\033[95m' BLUE = '\033[94m' GREEN = '\033[92m' YELLOW = '\033[93m' RED = '\033[91m' DARKGREY='\033[90m' LIGHTRED='\033[91m' LIGHTGREEN='\033[92m' LIGHTGREY='\033[37m' END = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' # Background colors: LIGHTGREYBG='\033[47m' PURPLEBG='\033[45m' ORANGEBG='\033[43m' GREYBG = '\033[100m' REDBG = '\033[101m' GREENBG = '\033[102m' YELLOWBG = '\033[103m' BLUEBG = '\033[104m' PINKBG = '\033[105m' CYANBG = '\033[106m' print ("Hi, Lets play number based cricket game\n") time.sleep(1) print ("Computer will guess a random number, if it is same as your guess then the batsman gets out\n") time.sleep(3) print ("The Number must be within 0 to 10"'\n') time.sleep(1) print ("if not out then score added to the player\n") time.sleep(1) import random choice_man ="" i = 1 print ("Now lets put toss\n") man_choice = input ("Heads or Tails\n") coin = ["heads" , "tails"] toss = random.choice (coin) if (man_choice == toss): print (bcolors.GREEN+"You won the toss"+bcolors.END) choice_man = input("Choose to bat or bowl\n") choice_man = choice_man.lower() else: print (bcolors.RED+"Computer won the toss"+bcolors.END) bat_bowl = ["bat" , "bowl"] choice_comp = random.choice(bat_bowl) print ("And choose to ", bcolors.BLUE+choice_comp+bcolors.END) if(choice_comp == "bat"): choice_man = "bowl" if (choice_man == "bowl"): while True: if (i == 1): comp_score = 0 man_score = 0 print("Now",bcolors.YELLOW+"Computer"+bcolors.END, "will Bat first") while True: comp = random.randint(0,10) man = int(input ("Enter your guess \n")) if man not in (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10): print("Invalid input") continue else: pass if (comp != man): print(bcolors.RED+"No"+bcolors.END, "the number is",comp) comp_score += comp else: print(bcolors.GREENBG+"Yes, you got the computer's wicket"+bcolors.END) break print(bcolors.YELLOW+"Computer had scored"+bcolors.END,comp_score,bcolors.YELLOW+"points"+bcolors.END) print (" Now your turn to bat") while (comp_score >= man_score): comp = random.randint(0,10) man = int (input ("Enter a number")) if (man not in (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)): print("Invalid input") continue else: pass if (comp == man): print (bcolors.REDBG+"Oh no! you are out"+bcolors.END) difference = comp_score - man_score if (difference == 0): difference == 1 print (bcolors.REDBG+"Computer wins by a difference of"+bcolors.END,difference,bcolors.REDBG+"points"+bcolors.END) i = int (input ("If you want to play again enter 1 or else 2 \n")) if (i == 1): continue else: break else: man_score += man difference = comp_score - man_score if (difference<0): difference = "no more" if (difference == 0): difference == 1 print (bcolors.YELLOW+"Yes now your score is "+bcolors.END, man_score,bcolors.YELLOW+"and you need"+bcolors.END,difference,bcolors.GREEN+"points to win"+bcolors.END) else: print(bcolors.LIGHTGREEN+"Wow you are won"+bcolors.END) i = int (input("if you want to play again enter 1 or else 2 \n")) else: break else: while True: if (i == 1): comp_score = 0 man_score = 0 print("Now",bcolors.GREEN+"You"+bcolors.END,"will Bat first") while True: comp = random.randint(0,10) man = int(input ("Enter a number \n")) if man not in (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10): print("Invalid input") break else: pass if (comp != man): print(" Yes") man_score += man print ("Now your score is,",man_score,"points") else: print(bcolors.RED+"No,Computer had got your wicket"+bcolors.END) break print("You had scored",man_score) print (" Now Computer\'s turn to bat") while (comp_score <= man_score): comp = random.randint(0,10) man = int (input ("Enter your guess")) while (man not in (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)): print("Invalid input") else: pass if (comp == man): print (bcolors.GREENBG+"Yes, you got the computer\'s wicket"+bcolors.END) difference = man_score - comp_score if (difference == 0): difference == 1 print (bcolors.LIGHTGREYBG+"You won by a difference of"+bcolors.END,difference,bcolors.LIGHTGREYBG+"points"+bcolors.END) i = int (input ("If you want to paly again enter 1 or else 2 \n")) if (i == 1): continue else: break else: comp_score += comp difference = man_score - comp_score if (difference == 0): difference == 1 print ("No the number is",comp) print (" Now computer\'s score is ", comp_score,"and it needs",difference,"points to win") else: print(bcolors.REDBG+"Oh no computer won"+bcolors.END) print(bcolors.LIGHTRED+"Computer had won by a difference of"+bcolors.END,difference,bcolors.LIGHTRED+"points"+bcolors.END) i = int (input("if you want to play again enter 1 or else 2 \n")) else: break

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