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#include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <iostream> #define NO_SQUARES 11 #define SQUARE_SIZE_LIMIT 6 #define INITIAL_TEMPERATURE 70.0 #define R 0.8 #define NO_ITERATIONS 20 //no. of times to cool #define NO_STEPS 10000 //no. of steps/iteration #define PLUS NO_SQUARES #define TIMES NO_SQUARES+1 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 1 #define TEST using namespace std; //using std::cout; //using std::endl; int op[2*NO_SQUARES -1]; int present_op[2*NO_SQUARES -1]; int data[NO_SQUARES]; int stack_x[NO_SQUARES], stack_y[NO_SQUARES]; int stack_pointer, no_of_calls=0; int x0_val, y0_val; int x1_val, y1_val; #ifdef TEST int test_set[NO_SQUARES]={1,1,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,3,6}; #endif //list structure passed to program class square_list { public: int side; square_list *next; }; void get_list_start(square_list ** list) { int i; //printf("in get_list_start \n"); struct square_list *build_list, *list_start; build_list = new square_list; list_start = build_list; for(i=0;i<NO_SQUARES;i++) { #ifndef TEST build_list->side = (lrand48() >> 4)%(SQUARE_SIZE_LIMIT)+1; #endif #ifdef TEST build_list ->side = test_set[1]; #endif build_list ->next = new square_list; build_list = build_list->next; } #ifndef TEST build_list->side = rand()%(SQUARE_SIZE_LIMIT)+1; #endif build_list->next = NULL; *list = list_start; } //create initial operation array //operations are alternately chosen PLUS and TIMES void create_operation_array() { int i,j; //printf("in create_operation_array \n"); for(i=0;i<NO_SQUARES;i++) op[i] = i; for(j=0;j<NO_SQUARES;j++) op[i++] = PLUS+i%2; } //remove data from stack void pop() { //printf("in pop \n"); stack_pointer--; x1_val = x0_val; y1_val = y0_val; x0_val = stack_x[stack_pointer]; y0_val = stack_y[stack_pointer]; } //push data on stack void push(int x, int y) { //printf("in push \n"); stack_x[stack_pointer] = x; stack_y[stack_pointer] = y; stack_pointer++; } //pieces side by side void merge_times() { //printf("in merge_times \n"); if(y0_val <= y1_val) y0_val = y1_val; x0_val = x1_val; } //pieces on top of each other void merge_plus() { //printf("in merge_plus \n"); if(x0_val <= x1_val) x0_val = x1_val; y0_val = y1_val; } //calculate the cost of op array int calculate_cost() { //printf("in calculate_cost \n"); int i; stack_pointer = 0; for(i=0; i<2*NO_SQUARES-1;i++) { switch(op[i]) { case PLUS: pop(); pop(); merge_plus(); push(x0_val, y0_val); break; case TIMES: pop(); pop(); merge_times(); push(x0_val, y0_val); break; default: push(data[op[i]],data[op[i]]); break; } } pop(); if(x0_val>=y0_val) return (x0_val*x0_val); else return (y0_val*y0_val); } //fn. to det. if popped one is data or opn. int is_data(int x) { //printf("in is_data \n"); if((op[x]!=TIMES)&&(op[x]!=PLUS)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } //neighbor soln. calcn.- swap operation void switch_op() { //printf("in switch_op \n"); int i,j,k,loc; k=-1; //choose random operator j = lrand48()%(NO_SQUARES -1); //search for loc. for (i=0; i < 2*NO_SQUARES-1;i++) { if((op[i]==PLUS)||(op[i]==TIMES)) { k++; if(k==j) loc = i; } } //swap if(op[loc]==PLUS) op[loc]= TIMES; else op[loc] = PLUS; } //neighbor soln. calcn. - void ABC_op_to_AB_op_C() { //printf("in ABC_op_to_AB_op_C \n"); int i,j,k,temp; k=0; for (i=0; i < 2*NO_SQUARES-4;i++) if((is_data(i))&&(is_data(i+1))&&(is_data(i+2))&&(!is_data(i+3))) k++; if(k==0) return; j = lrand48()%k; k = 0; for(i=0;i<2*NO_SQUARES-4;i++) if((is_data(i))&&(is_data(i+1))&&(is_data(i+2))&&(!is_data(i+3))&&(k++==j)) { temp= op[i+2]; op[i+2]=op[i+3]; op[i+3]= temp; return; } } //neighbor soln. calcn. void op_A_to_A_op() { //printf("in op_A_to_A_op \n"); int i,j,k,temp; k=0; for(i=0;i<2*NO_SQUARES-2;i++) if((!is_data(i))&&(is_data(i+1))) k++; if(k==0) return; j = lrand48()%k; k=0; for(i=0;i<2*NO_SQUARES-2;i++) if((!is_data(i))&&(is_data(i+1))&&(k++==j)) { temp = op[i]; op[i]=op[i+1]; op[i+1] = temp; return; } } //neighbor soln. calcn. void A_op_to_op_A() { //printf("in A_op_to_op_A \n"); int i,j,k,temp; int operations=0; int data_item = 0; k=0; for(i=0;i<2*NO_SQUARES-3;i++) { if(is_data(i)) data_item++; else operations++; if((is_data(i))&&(!is_data(i+1))&&(data_item>=(operations+3))) k++; } if(k==0) return; j = lrand48()%k; k=0; data_item = 0;operations=0; for(i=0;i<2*NO_SQUARES-3;i++) { if(is_data(i)) data_item++; else operations++; if((is_data(i))&&(!is_data(i+1))&&(data_item>=(operations+3))&&(k++==j)) { temp = op[i]; op[i]=op[i+1]; op[i+1] = temp; return; } } } //neighbor soln. calcn. void AB_to_BA() { //printf("in AB_to_BA \n"); int i,j,k,m,n; int k1,temp; i = lrand48()%NO_SQUARES; j = lrand48()%NO_SQUARES; while(i==j) i= lrand48()%NO_SQUARES; k1=0; for(k=0;k<2*NO_SQUARES;k++) { if(is_data(k)) { if(i==k1) m=k; if(j==k1) n=k; k1++; } } temp = op[m]; op[m] = op[n]; op[n]=temp; } //sample data for which optimal is known=81 void sample_data() { //printf("in sample_data \n"); int i; for(i=0;i<NO_SQUARES;i++) data[i]=2; } //randomly select neighbors of op void neighbor_solution() { //printf("in neighbor_solution \n"); switch((lrand48()>>4)%5) { case 4: A_op_to_op_A(); break; case 3: op_A_to_A_op(); break; case 2: AB_to_BA(); break; case 1: switch_op(); break; case 0: ABC_op_to_AB_op_C(); break; default: break; } } //function to accept neighbor void accept_neighbor() { //printf("in accept_neighbor \n"); int i; for(i=0;i<2*NO_SQUARES-1;i++) present_op[i] = op[i]; } //print final output void print_result(int optimal_cost) { //printf("in print_result \n"); int i; cout<<"Calculated cost "<< optimal_cost<<endl; for(i=0;i<2*NO_SQUARES-1;i++) { switch(present_op[i]) { case PLUS: cout<<"+"; break; case TIMES: cout<<"*"; break; default: cout<<data[present_op[i]]; break; } } cout<<endl; } //main program main() { int i,j,k; class square_list *list_start; int optimal_cost, random_neighbor_cost; int cost; double temperature= INITIAL_TEMPERATURE; double probability, random_0_1; //set random number generator struct timeval tp; struct timezone tzp; gettimeofday(&tp,&tzp); srand48(tp.tv_usec); //srand48(time(NULL) //get external list get_list_start(&list_start); //create opn. array for neighbor soln. create_operation_array(); //create present active optimal operation array for(i=0;i<2*NO_SQUARES-1;i++) present_op[i]=op[i]; //get data i=0; while(list_start!=NULL) { data[i++]=list_start->side; list_start=list_start->next; } //use sample data from handout if defined at //beginning of program optimal_cost = calculate_cost(); //perform annealing for(j=0;j<NO_ITERATIONS;j++) { for(i=0;i<NO_STEPS;i++) { for(k=0;k<2*NO_SQUARES-1;k++) op[k] = present_op[k]; neighbor_solution(); cost = calculate_cost(); if(cost<=optimal_cost) { accept_neighbor(); optimal_cost = cost; } else { probability = exp(-(cost-optimal_cost)/temperature); random_0_1 = drand48(); if(random_0_1<=probability) { accept_neighbor(); optimal_cost = cost; } } } temperature*=R; } print_result(optimal_cost); }

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