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#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <vector> using namespace std; // Instructions: // 1. Read through the program and run it to make sure you understand what it's // doing. This is a modified version of the code we went over last week, so // the code works slightly differently. // 2. Implement a new function called generatePassword, which should generate // a password of a given length by sampling from a given string of // characters // - think about what parameters this function will need to do its work // - think about what it should return, if anything // - think about what what code from main should be incorporated into the // function (hint: it's 4 lines of code) // 3. Replace the password generating code with an invocation of your new // function // 4. Test your program to make sure it works as expected. int main(){ string charsToInclude; vector<string> passwords; vector<string> usernames; int passwordLength; string input; srand(time(0)); cout << "Please enter a string containing all of the characters " << "you'd like to sample passwords from: "; getline(cin, charsToInclude); cout << "How long should the password be? "; cin >> passwordLength; cin.ignore(); cout << "Enter usernames; use -1 to stop" << endl; // Read in the usernames. do { cout << "> "; // Read in the username. getline(cin, input); if(input != "-1"){ // Add the username to the end of the vector of usernames. usernames.push_back(input); // Add a blank password for the user -- we'll update this later. passwords.push_back(""); } } while(input != "-1"); cout << usernames.size() << " usernames were successfully read in." << endl; // Generate one password per user. for(int i = 0; i < passwords.size(); i++){ string password = ""; for(int j = 0; j < passwordLength; j++){ password.push_back(charsToInclude[rand()%charsToInclude.size()]); } = password; } // Print out each of the username/password pairs. cout << "username/passwords:" << endl; for(int i = 0; i < usernames.size(); i++){ cout << << "\t" << << endl; } return 0; }

Compiling Program...

Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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