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#include <string> #include <unordered_map> #include <iostream> #include <memory> template<typename Base> class Factory{ template<typename, typename> friend class Registrable; public: static Base* create(std::string name){ auto callable = map().at(std::move(name)); return callable(); } static std::unique_ptr<Base> createUnique(std::string name){ auto callable = map().at(std::move(name)); return std::unique_ptr<Base>(callable()); } static std::shared_ptr<Base> createShared(std::string name){ auto callable = map().at(std::move(name)); return std::shared_ptr<Base>(callable()); } private: static std::unordered_map< std::string, std::function<Base*()> >& map(){ static std::unordered_map< std::string, std::function<Base*()> > map; return map; } template<typename Derived> static void subscribe(std::string name){ // insert already-exist-check here std::cout<< "registered: " << name << std::endl; map().emplace(std::move(name), [](){ return static_cast<Base*>(new Derived{}); }); } }; template<typename Base, typename Derived> class Registrable{ protected: virtual std::string registerName() const = 0; Registrable(){ isRegistered = true; } ~Registrable() = default; static bool init(){ Derived t; Factory<Base>::template subscribe<Derived>(t.registerName()); return true; } private: static bool isRegistered; }; template<typename Base, typename Derived> bool Registrable<Base, Derived>::isRegistered = Registrable<Base, Derived>::init(); struct MyFactoryBase{ virtual ~MyFactoryBase() = default; virtual void method() const = 0; }; struct MyFactory1 : public MyFactoryBase, public Registrable<MyFactoryBase, MyFactory1>{ std::string registerName() const override{ return "Class1"; } void method() const override{ std::cout << "yay Class1" << std::endl; } MyFactory1() : MyFactoryBase(), Registrable<MyFactoryBase, MyFactory1>(){} }; struct MyFactory2 : public MyFactoryBase, public Registrable<MyFactoryBase, MyFactory2>{ std::string registerName() const override{ return "Class2"; } void method() const override{ std::cout << "yay Class2" << std::endl; } MyFactory2() : MyFactoryBase(), Registrable<MyFactoryBase, MyFactory2>(){} }; int main(){ auto class1 = std::string("Class1"); auto fac = Factory<MyFactoryBase>::createUnique("Class1"); auto fac2 = Factory<MyFactoryBase>::createShared("Class2"); auto fac3 = Factory<MyFactoryBase>::create(class1); fac->method(); fac2->method(); fac3->method(); delete fac3; return 0; }

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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