online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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import math # These choices depend on the problem being solved x0 = .1 # The initial value R = 3.81 A = 2.17 def f(x): return R**2*(x - math.sin(x))/2 - A def fprime(x): return R**2*(1 - math.cos(x))/2 def altezza(x): return R - R * math.cos(x/2) TOLERANCE = 1E-7 # 7 digit accuracy is desired EPSILON = 1E-14 # Don't want to divide by a number smaller than this MAX_ITERATIONS = 20 # Don't allow the iterations to continue indefinitely found_solution = False # Have not converged to a solution yet for i in range(MAX_ITERATIONS): y = f(x0) yprime = fprime(x0) # Don't want to divide by too small of a number # denominator is too small if abs(yprime) < EPSILON: break # Leave the loop x1 = x0 - y / yprime # Do Newton's computation # If the result is within the desired tolerance if abs(x1 - x0) <= TOLERANCE * abs(x1): found_solution = True break # Done, so leave the loop x0 = x1 # Update x0 to start the process again if found_solution: # x1 is a solution within tolerance and maximum number of iterations print("Numero iterazioni:",i) print("x1 in rad:",x1) print("x1 in gradi:",math.degrees(x1)) print ("Altezza:",altezza(x1)) else: # did not converge print("Non converge")

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