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/****************************************************************************** * * * DEMO of GBIT8(p), GBIT16(p), ... macros from Plan9 Fcall() * * * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> // color codes for terminal output #define KNRM "\x1B[0m" #define KRED "\x1B[31m" #define KGRN "\x1B[32m" // Macros from Plan9 Fcall() #define GBIT8(p) ((p)[0]) #define GBIT16(p) ((p)[0]|((p)[1]<<8)) #define GBIT32(p) ((unsigned int)((p)[0]|((p)[1]<<8)|((p)[2]<<16)|((p)[3]<<24))) #define GBIT64(p) ((unsigned int)((p)[0]|((p)[1]<<8)|((p)[2]<<16)|((p)[3]<<24)) |\ ((long unsigned int)((p)[4]|((p)[5]<<8)|((p)[6]<<16)|((p)[7]<<24)) << 32)) // See also: // /* these are implemented as macros */ // uchar GBIT8(uchar*) // ushort GBIT16(uchar*) // ulong GBIT32(uchar*) // vlong GBIT64(uchar*) // So p is assumed to be an array of unsigned chars. // Remember that in C arrays are pointers, so p is in fact a pointer // to a series of unsigned chars in the memory. // GBIT8(p) just takes the first unsigned char (first 8 bits) from // the address given by the pointer p. // (p)[0] is the byte at the memory address given by p. // GBIT16(p) returns the sort int given by the first 16 bits // from the memory cell p. // Similarly for GBIT32, GBIT64. // Some details and comments are given below. // A simple function printing bits of a char variable void printBits (unsigned long int num, int nbits) { #define buf_len 32 int buf[buf_len]; unsigned long int bitmask; int i; bitmask = 1; for (i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { buf[nbits-i-1] = !!(num & bitmask); bitmask = bitmask * 2; } for (i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { if( i % 8 == 0 ) // print additional space between bytes printf(" "); if(buf[i]==1) // print "1 " in green printf ("%s1%s", KGRN, KNRM); if(buf[i]==0) // print "0 " in red printf ("%s0%s", KRED, KNRM); } } void print_spaces( int n ) { int i; for( i=0; i < n; i++) printf(" "); } unsigned char pp[8]; int i; // loop index // Variables for input of data from keyboard char getline_info; // status of getline call (success / failure) char *buffer = NULL; size_t len = 0; int main () { printf("GBITX macro demonstration. \n"); printf("(1) At first the program will now ask for 8 integers pp[i] \n"); printf(" such that 0 <= pp[i] <= 255. \n"); printf("(2) Then it will demonstrate the bitwise OR and \n"); printf(" AND operations. \n"); printf("(3) Afterwards the bit shift operation will be demonstarted. \n"); printf("(4) Then the BGITX macros will be analysed. \n"); printf("(5) Finally a short remark on endianness will be given. \n\n"); // - - - (1) - - - printf("(1) Input of 8 numbers pp[i], such that 0 <= pp[i] <= 255. \n\n"); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { printf("Please type pp[%d] and hit return: ", i); getline_info = getline(&buffer, &len, stdin); if( getline_info == -1 ) { printf("\nError reading input."); return -1; } pp[i] = atoi(buffer); } printf("Array pp = { "); for( i=0; i < 8; i++ ) { printf("%d", pp[i]); if( i != 7 ) printf(","); printf(" "); } printf("}. \n\n"); // - - - (2) - - - printf("\n(2) Demonstration of bitwise AND, OR operations. \n\n"); printf("A reminder: \n"); printf(" & = bitwise AND: | = bitwise OR: \n"); printf(" p q p & q p q p | q \n"); printf(" %s 0 %s 0 %s 0 %s 0 %s 0 %s 0 \n", KRED, KRED, KRED, KRED, KRED, KRED); printf(" %s 0 %s 1 %s 0 %s 0 %s 1 %s 1 \n", KRED, KGRN, KRED, KRED, KGRN, KGRN); printf(" %s 1 %s 0 %s 0 %s 1 %s 0 %s 1 \n", KGRN, KRED, KRED, KGRN, KRED, KGRN); printf(" %s 1 %s 1 %s 1 %s 1 %s 1 %s 1 \n", KGRN, KGRN, KGRN, KGRN, KGRN, KGRN); printf("%s\n", KNRM); printf ("\n BR(x) is the binary representation of x. \n"); printf("\n BR( pp[0] ) = "); printBits( pp[0] , 8); printf("\n BR( pp[1] ) = "); printBits( pp[1] , 8); printf("\n BR( pp[0] | pp[1] ) = "); printBits( pp[0] | pp[1] , 8); printf("\n BR( pp[0] & pp[1] ) = "); printBits( pp[0] & pp[1] , 8); printf("\n\n"); printf("\nPress any key to continue to the next part of the demo...\n"); getline_info = getline(&buffer, &len, stdin); // - - - (3) - - - printf("\n(3) Demonstration bit shift left operation, <<. \n\n"); for( i=0; i < 4; i++) { printf("BR( pp[%d] ) = ", i); print_spaces(27); printBits( pp[i] ,8); printf ("\n"); printf("BR( pp[%d] << 8 ) = ", i); print_spaces(18); printBits( pp[i] << 8 ,16); printf ("\n"); printf("BR( pp[%d] << 16 ) = ", i); print_spaces(9); printBits( pp[i] << 16 ,24); printf ("\n"); printf("BR( pp[%d] << 24 ) = ", i); printBits( pp[i] << 24 ,32); printf ("\n"); printf("\n"); } printf("\nPress any key to continue to the next part of the demo...\n"); getline_info = getline(&buffer, &len, stdin); // - - - (4) - - - // - - - GBIT16(p) - - - printf("Example illustrating the GBIT16 macro: \n\n"); printf("BR( pp[0] ) = "); printBits( pp[0] ,16); printf ("\n"); printf("BR( pp[1] ) = "); printBits( pp[1] ,16); printf ("\n"); printf("BR( pp[1] << 8 ) = "); printBits( pp[1] << 8 ,16); printf ("\n"); printf("BR( (pp[0]) | (pp[1] << 8) ) = "); printBits( (pp[0]) | (pp[1] << 8) ,16); printf ("\n"); printf("BR( GBIT16(pp) ) = "); printBits( GBIT16(pp) ,16); printf ("\n"); // - - - GBIT32(p) - - - printf("\nExample illustrating the GBIT32 macro: \n\n"); printf("BR( pp[0] ) = "); printBits( pp[0] ,32); printf ("\n"); printf("BR( pp[1] << 8 ) = "); printBits( pp[1] << 8 ,32); printf ("\n"); printf("BR( pp[2] << 16 ) = "); printBits( pp[2] << 16 ,32); printf ("\n"); printf("BR( pp[3] << 24 ) = "); printBits( pp[3] << 24 ,32); printf ("\n"); printf("BR( GBIT32(pp) ) = "); printBits( GBIT32(pp) ,32); printf ("\n"); printf("\nPress any key to continue to the next part of the demo...\n"); getline_info = getline(&buffer, &len, stdin); // - - - (5) - - - printf("\n"); printf("Note that macros GBIT16, GBIT32, GBIT64, correspond to \n"); printf("LITTLE ENDIAN encoding: the LEAST significant BYTE of \n"); printf("a multi-byte variable is stored FIRST. \n\n"); #ifdef __GNUC__ printf("Detection of endianness of this machine using GCC macros: \n\n"); printf("__BYTE_ORDER__ = %d \n", __BYTE_ORDER__); printf("__ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ = %d \n", __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__); printf("__ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ = %d \n\n", __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__); if( __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ ) printf("This machine is using LITTLE ENDIAN encoding of integers. \n\n"); if( __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ ) printf("This machine is using BIG ENDIAN encoding of integers. \n\n"); #endif printf("Let val be the value of { pp[0], pp[1], pp[2], pp[3] } \n"); printf("converted to unsigned int through pointer casting: \n\n"); printf(" unsigned int * pint; \n"); printf(" unsigned int val; \n"); printf(" pint = (unsigned int*) pp; \n"); printf(" val = *pint; \n\n"); // pointer to unsgn. int unsigned int * pint; unsigned int val; pint = (unsigned int*) pp; val = *pint; printf("val = %10d (hex: %x) \n", val, val); printf("GBIT32(pp) = %10d (hex: %x) \n", GBIT32(pp),GBIT32(pp)); if( val == GBIT32(pp) ) { printf("\nNumbers val and GBIT32(pp) are equal. This means that \n"); printf("GBIT32 macro is compatible with the internal representation \n"); printf("of integers on this machine. \n"); } printf("\n END OF DEMONSTRATION. \n"); return 0; }

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