online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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Source Code   
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <math.h> char *superscriptinteger(char *buffer, int n){ /* 0 1 2 3 4 */ char superscript[10][4] = {"\u2070", "\u00B9", "\u00B2", "\u00B3", "\u2074", "\u2075", "\u2076", "\u2077", "\u2078", "\u2079"}; /* 5 6 7 8 9 */ int digit; static bool finished = true; if (n == 0 && finished){ sprintf(buffer, "%.3s", superscript[0]); return buffer; } if (finished) { buffer[0] = '\0'; finished = false; } if (n < 0){ strcat(buffer, "\u207B"); // sinal negativo - n = -n; } if (n > 0){ digit = n % 10; superscriptinteger(buffer, n/10); strcat(buffer, superscript[digit]); } if (n == 0){ finished = true; } return buffer; } int main() { char expoente[22]; superscriptinteger(expoente, 1234); printf("%s\n", expoente); superscriptinteger(expoente, -1234); printf("%s\n", expoente); superscriptinteger(expoente, 0); printf("%s\n", expoente); printf("%d%s = %d\n", 2, superscriptinteger(expoente, 12), (int)pow(2, 12)); return 0; }

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