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/* */ #include <limits.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <float.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> typedef signed char schar; typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef unsigned long ulong; typedef signed long long sllong; typedef unsigned long long ullong; #define mcc_huge long long typedef signed mcc_huge mcc_huge_t; typedef unsigned mcc_huge mcc_uhuge_t; #define bitsof(T) (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(T)) #define HALF_MAN_BIT 10 #define HALF_EXP_BIT 5 #define LDBL_MAN_BIT 52 #define LDBL_EXP_BIT 37 #define FLT_SCNa "%a" #define FLT_SCNf "%f" #define FLT_SCNe "%e" #define FLT_MAN_BIT 23 #define FLT_EXP_BIT 8 typedef union FLT_UNION { float fpn; mcc_uhuge_t raw; struct { mcc_uhuge_t man:FLT_MAN_BIT; mcc_uhuge_t exp:FLT_EXP_BIT; mcc_uhuge_t sig:1; }; } FLT_UNION; #define DBL_SCNa "%la" #define DBL_SCNf "%lf" #define DBL_SCNe "%le" #define DBL_MAN_BIT 52 #define DBL_EXP_BIT 11 typedef union DBL_UNION { double fpn; mcc_uhuge_t raw; struct { mcc_uhuge_t man:DBL_MAN_BIT; mcc_uhuge_t exp:DBL_EXP_BIT; mcc_uhuge_t sig:1; }; } DBL_UNION; #define FPN_PFX(VAL) FLT##_##VAL #define FPN_MAX FPN_PFX(_MAX) #define FPN_SCNa FPN_PFX(SCNa) #define FPN_SCNf FPN_PFX(SCNf) #define FPN_SCNe FPN_PFX(SCNe) #define FPN_MAN_BIT FPN_PFX(MAN_BIT) #define FPN_EXP_BIT FPN_PFX(EXP_BIT) #define FPN_MAX_EXP FPN_PFX(MAX_EXP) #define FPN_MIN_EXP FPN_PFX(MIN_EXP) #define FPN_MAX_10_EXP FPN_PFX(MAX_10_EXP) typedef FPN_PFX(UNION) FPN_UNION; typedef struct mcc_flexable_fpn { long man_bits; long exp_bits; mcc_uhuge_t negative; mcc_uhuge_t num; mcc_uhuge_t one; mcc_uhuge_t fpn; long exp; long max_exp; long min_exp; long max_exp_digits; ulong exp_bias; ulong base; mcc_uhuge_t raw; } mcc_flexable_fpn_t; mcc_flexable_fpn_t fpn_make ( mcc_flexable_fpn_t flex ); mcc_flexable_fpn_t fpn_read ( char *text, FPN_UNION *gcc, mcc_flexable_fpn_t flex ); char *fpn_text[] = { "0", "1", "10", "16", "100", "101", "0.1", "0.01", "0.001", "0.101", "1.1", "1.01", "1.001", "1.101", "3.14", "1e+1", "1e+8", "1e+10", "1e+100", "3e+1", "1e-1", "1e-8", "1e-10", "1e-100", "3e-1", ".1e+1", ".1e+8", ".1e+10", ".1e+100", ".3e+1", ".1e-1", ".1e-8", ".1e-10", ".1e-100", ".3e-1", "1.1e+1", "1.1e+8", "1.1e+10", "1.1e+100", "3.1e+1", "1.1e-1", "1.1e-8", "1.1e-10", "1.1e-100", "3.1e-1", "3.14e+1", "3.14e+8", "3.14e+10", "3.14e+100", "3.14e-1", "3.14e-8", "3.14e-10", "3.14e-100", "-0", "-1", "-10", "-16", "-100", "-101", "-0.1", "-0.01", "-0.001", "-0.101", "-1.1", "-1.01", "-1.001", "-1.101", "-3.14", "-1e+1", "-1e+8", "-1e+10", "-1e+100", "-3e+1", "-1e-1", "-1e-8", "-1e-10", "-1e-100", "-3e-1", "-0.1e+1", "-0.1e+8", "-0.1e+10", "-0.1e+100", "-0.3e+1", "-0.1e-1", "-0.1e-8", "-0.1e-10", "-0.1e-100", "-0.3e-1", "-1.1e+1", "-1.1e+8", "-1.1e+10", "-1.1e+100", "-3.1e+1", "-1.1e-1", "-1.1e-8", "-1.1e-10", "-1.1e-100", "-3.1e-1", "-3.14e+1", "-3.14e+8", "-3.14e+10", "-3.14e+100", "-3.14e-1", "-3.14e-8", "-3.14e-10", "-3.14e-100", "0xA", "0xA0", "0xA6", "0xA00", "0xA0A", "0x0.A", "0x0.0A", "0x0.00A", "0x0.A0A", "0xA.A", "0xA.0A", "0xA.00A", "0xA.A0A", "0xC.A4", "0xAp+A", "0xAp+F", "0xAp+A0", "0xAp+A00", "0xCp+A", "0xAp-A", "0xAp-F", "0xAp-A0", "0xAp-A00", "0xCp-A", "0x0.Ap+A", "0x0.Ap+F", "0x0.Ap+A0", "0x0.Ap+A00", "0x0.Cp+A", "0x0.Ap-A", "0x0.Ap-F", "0x0.Ap-A0", "0x0.Ap-A00", "0x0.Cp-A", "0xA.Ap+A", "0xA.Ap+F", "0xA.Ap+A0", "0xA.Ap+A00", "0xC.Ap+A", "0xA.Ap-A", "0xA.Ap-F", "0xA.Ap-A0", "0xA.Ap-A00", "0xC.Ap-A", "0xC.A4p+A", "0xC.A4p+F", "0xC.A4p+A0", "0xC.A4p+A00", "0xC.A4p-A", "0xC.A4p-F", "0xC.A4p-A0", "0xC.A4p-A00", "-0xA", "-0xA0", "-0x10", "-0xA00", "-0xA0A", "-0x0.A", "-0x0.0A", "-0x0.00A", "-0x0.A0A", "-0xA.A", "-0xA.0A", "-0xA.00A", "-0xA.A0A", "-0xC.A4", "-0xAp+A", "-0xAp+F", "-0xAp+A0", "-0xAp+A00", "-0xCp+A", "-0xAp-A", "-0xAp-F", "-0xAp-A0", "-0xAp-A00", "-0xCp-A", "-0x0.Ap+A", "-0x0.Ap+F", "-0x0.Ap+A0", "-0x0.Ap+A00", "-0x0.Cp+A", "-0x0.Ap-A", "-0x0.Ap-F", "-0x0.Ap-A0", "-0x0.Ap-A00", "-0x0.Cp-A", "-0xA.Ap+A", "-0xA.Ap+F", "-0xA.Ap+A0", "-0xA.Ap+A00", "-0xC.Ap+A", "-0xA.Ap-A", "-0xA.Ap-F", "-0xA.Ap-A0", "-0xA.Ap-A00", "-0xC.Ap-A", "-0xC.A4p+A", "-0xC.A4p+F", "-0xC.A4p+A0", "-0xC.A4p+A00", "-0xC.A4p-A", "-0xC.A4p-F", "-0xC.A4p-A0", "-0xC.A4p-A00", NULL }; void printb( char const *text, void const * addr, size_t const bits ) { size_t size = bits / CHAR_BIT, b = 0; uchar const *a = addr; uchar val, bit; if ( bits % CHAR_BIT ) ++size; printf("%s",text); while ( size-- ) { for ( val = a[size], bit = 1; bit; val <<= 1, bit <<= 1, ++b ) putchar( '0' + !!(val & SCHAR_MIN) ); if ( b >= bits ) return; } } _Bool check( char *text, FPN_UNION gcc, FPN_UNION mcc, mcc_flexable_fpn_t flex ) { _Bool same = (gcc.raw == mcc.raw); if ( !same || (flex.num == 1u && flex.fpn == 0 && flex.exp == 100) ) { printb( "gcc = ", &gcc, bitsof(mcc_uhuge_t) ); putchar('\n'); printb( "mcc = ", &mcc, bitsof(mcc_uhuge_t) ); putchar('\n'); printf ("fpn t = " FPN_SCNe " m = " FPN_SCNe "\n", gcc.fpn, mcc.fpn ); printf("read as %s", flex.negative ? "-" : "" ); if ( flex.base == 10 ) { if ( flex.exp < 0 ) printf( "%llu.%llue%ld", (ullong)(flex.num), (ullong)(flex.fpn), flex.exp ); else printf( "%llu.%llue+%ld", (ullong)(flex.num), (ullong)(flex.fpn), flex.exp ); } else { if ( flex.exp < 0 ) printf( "%llX.%llXp-%lX", (ullong)(flex.num), (ullong)(flex.fpn), flex.exp ); else printf( "%llX.%llXp+%lX", (ullong)(flex.num), (ullong)(flex.fpn), flex.exp ); } printf(" with base %lu\n", flex.base ); printf ("value '%s'", text ); } return !same; } #define TEST_NEG 0 #define TEST_FPN 0 #define TEST_BOTH 0 void exponent( mcc_flexable_fpn_t flex, size_t limit ) { mcc_flexable_fpn_t temp; FPN_UNION gcc = {0}, mcc = {0}; size_t i, wrong, j = 0, total = 0; char text[128] = {0}, etxt[8] = {0}; if ( flex.exp > 0 ) snprintf(etxt, 8, "e+%02ld",flex.exp); else if ( flex.exp < 0 ) snprintf(etxt, 8, "e%02ld",flex.exp); flex.exp = 0; wrong = 0; for ( i = 0; i <= limit; ++i ) { snprintf(text,128,"%zu.000000%s",i,etxt); mcc.raw = (temp = fpn_read(text, &gcc, flex)).raw; wrong += check( text, gcc, mcc, temp ); putchar('\n'); #if TEST_NEG snprintf(text,128,"-%zu.000000%s",i,etxt); mcc.raw = (temp = fpn_read(text, &gcc, flex)).raw; wrong += check( text, gcc, mcc, temp ); putchar('\n'); #endif } j += i * (1 + TEST_NEG); total += wrong; if ( wrong ) printf( "Tried = %zu, Wrong = %zu\n", i, wrong ); #if TEST_FPN wrong = 0; for ( i = 0; i <= limit; ++i ) { snprintf(text,128,"0.%06zu%s",i,etxt); mcc.raw = (temp = fpn_read(text, &gcc, flex)).raw; wrong += check( text, gcc, mcc, temp ); putchar('\n'); #if TEST_NEG snprintf(text,128,"-0.%06zu%s",i,etxt); mcc.raw = (temp = fpn_read(text, &gcc, flex)).raw; wrong += check( text, gcc, mcc, temp ); putchar('\n'); #endif } j += i * (1 + TEST_NEG); total += wrong; if ( wrong ) printf( "Tried = %zu, Wrong = %zu\n", i, wrong ); #endif #if TEST_BOTH wrong = 0; for ( i = 0; i <= limit; ++i ) { snprintf(text,128,"%zu.%06zu%s",i,i,etxt); mcc.raw = (temp = fpn_read(text, &gcc, flex)).raw; wrong += check( text, gcc, mcc, temp ); putchar('\n'); #if TEST_NEG snprintf(text,128,"-%zu.%06zu%s",i,i,etxt); mcc.raw = (temp = fpn_read(text, &gcc, flex)).raw; wrong += check( text, gcc, mcc, temp ); putchar('\n'); #endif } j += i * (1 + TEST_NEG); total += wrong; if ( wrong ) printf( "Tried = %zu, Wrong = %zu\n", i, wrong ); #endif if ( total ) printf( "Total Tried = %zu, Total Wrong = %zu\n", j, total ); } int main () { size_t i = 0, limit = 12; #if 0 size_t wrong = 0; FPN_UNION gcc, mcc; #endif mcc_flexable_fpn_t flex = {0}, temp; flex.exp_bias = FPN_MAX_EXP; flex.exp_bits = FPN_EXP_BIT; flex.max_exp_digits = FPN_MAX_10_EXP; flex.max_exp = FPN_MAX_EXP; flex.min_exp = FPN_MIN_EXP; flex.man_bits = FPN_MAN_BIT; temp = flex; for ( i = 0; i <= limit; ++i ) { temp.exp = i; exponent( temp, limit ); temp.exp = -(temp.exp); } #if 0 for ( i = 0; fpn_text[i] && i < 25; ++i ) { mcc.raw = (temp = fpn_read (fpn_text[i], &gcc, flex)); if ( check(fpn_text[i], gcc, mcc, temp) ) { printf (" index = %03zu\n", i ); ++wrong; } } printf( "Text Tried = %zu, ", i ); while (fpn_text[i]) ++i; printf( "Text Wrong = %zu", wrong ); #endif return 0; } mcc_flexable_fpn_t fpn_make ( mcc_flexable_fpn_t flex ) { mcc_flexable_fpn_t temp = flex; long pos = 0, pos_max = flex.man_bits; mcc_uhuge_t NUM; flex.raw = 0; temp.negative <<= temp.man_bits; temp.negative <<= temp.exp_bits; if ( temp.exp >= temp.max_exp_digits ) { flex.raw = ~0; flex.raw >>= (bitsof(mcc_uhuge_t) - temp.exp_bits); flex.raw <<= temp.man_bits; flex.raw |= temp.negative; return flex; } if ( (temp.exp <= -temp.max_exp_digits) || (!(temp.num) && !(temp.fpn)) ) { flex.raw = temp.negative; return flex; } /* Preserve exponent in case we need it later */ pos = temp.exp; while ( pos > 0 && > 1 ) { temp.num *= temp.base; /= temp.base; if ( temp.fpn >= ) { NUM = temp.fpn /; temp.fpn -= NUM *; temp.num += NUM; } --pos; } while ( pos > 0 ) { temp.num *= temp.base; --pos; } while ( pos < 0 ) { NUM = temp.num % temp.base; temp.fpn += NUM *; *= temp.base; temp.num /= temp.base; } /* Calculate normal exponent */ pos = 0; if ( temp.num ) { if ( !temp.fpn ) for ( ; temp.num && !(temp.num % temp.base); temp.raw++, temp.num >>= 1 ); for ( NUM = temp.num; NUM > 1; ++pos, NUM >>= 1 ); } else for ( NUM = temp.fpn; NUM && NUM <; --pos, NUM <<= 1 ); /* Set exponent and mantissa */ temp.raw += temp.exp_bias + pos - 1; if ( pos >= pos_max ) { pos_max = pos - (temp.exp > temp.max_exp_digits); //printb( "temp.num = ", &(temp.num), bitsof(mcc_uhuge_t) ); putchar('\n'); flex.raw = temp.num; = 2; do { temp.fpn = flex.raw & 1u; flex.raw >>= 1; --pos_max; } while ( pos_max > flex.man_bits ); pos = pos_max - 1; //printb( "flex.raw = ", &(temp.num), bitsof(mcc_uhuge_t) ); //printf("\npos_max = %ld, pos = %ld, temp.exp = %ld\n", pos_max, pos, temp.exp ); } else { flex.raw = temp.num; for ( ; pos < pos_max; ++pos) { temp.fpn <<= 1; flex.raw <<= 1; if (temp.fpn >= { flex.raw |= 1; temp.fpn -=; } } } temp.fpn *= 2; if ( temp.fpn >= ) flex.raw++; = bitsof(mcc_uhuge_t) - (temp.man_bits); flex.raw <<=; flex.raw >>=; flex.raw |= (temp.raw << temp.man_bits); flex.raw |= temp.negative; return flex; } mcc_flexable_fpn_t fpn_read ( char *text, FPN_UNION *gcc, mcc_flexable_fpn_t flex ) { uchar *txt = (uchar*)text; ulong c; gcc->raw = 0; flex.raw = 0; flex.base = 10; flex.negative = (*txt == '-'); if ( flex.negative || *txt == '+' ) ++txt; if ( *txt =='0' ) { ++txt; if ( *txt == 'x' || *txt == 'X' ) { flex.base = 16; ++txt; } } if ( flex.base == 10 ) sscanf (text, FPN_SCNf, &(gcc->fpn)); else sscanf (text, FPN_SCNa, &(gcc->fpn)); while (*txt == '0') ++txt; for ( flex.num = 0; *txt; ++txt ) { if ( *txt >= '0' && *txt <= '9' ) c = *txt - '0'; else if ( *txt >= 'A' && *txt <= 'F' ) c = 10 + ( *txt - 'A' ); else if ( *txt >= 'a' && *txt <= 'f' ) c = 10 + ( *txt - 'a' ); else break; if ( c >= flex.base ) break; flex.num *= flex.base; flex.num += c; } = 1; flex.fpn = 0; if (*txt == '.') { for ( ++txt; *txt; ++txt) { if ( *txt >= '0' && *txt <= '9' ) c = *txt - '0'; else if ( *txt >= 'A' && *txt <= 'F' ) c = 10 + ( *txt - 'A' ); else if ( *txt >= 'a' && *txt <= 'f' ) c = 10 + ( *txt - 'a' ); else break; if ( c >= flex.base ) break; *= flex.base; flex.fpn *= flex.base; flex.fpn += c; } } if (*txt == 'e' || *txt == 'E') { if (*(++txt) == '-') { for (++txt; *txt; ++txt) { if ( *txt >= '0' && *txt <= '9' ) c = *txt - '0'; else if ( *txt >= 'A' && *txt <= 'F' ) c = 10 + ( *txt - 'A' ); else if ( *txt >= 'a' && *txt <= 'f' ) c = 10 + ( *txt - 'f' ); else break; if ( c >= flex.base ) break; flex.exp *= flex.base; flex.exp -= c; } } else { for (++txt; *txt; ++txt) { if ( *txt >= '0' && *txt <= '9' ) c = *txt - '0'; else if ( *txt >= 'A' && *txt <= 'F' ) c = 10 + ( *txt - 'A' ); else if ( *txt >= 'a' && *txt <= 'f' ) c = 10 + ( *txt - 'f' ); else break; if ( c >= flex.base ) break; flex.exp *= flex.base; flex.exp += c; } } } return fpn_make(flex); }

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