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Source Code   
from random import random, randint correct = 0 index = 0 test = True questions = [] print("Welcome to the multiplication math quiz") print("In this quiz there will be 5 questions") print("Good Luck!") while test == True: for i in range(5): questions.append(randint(0,10)) questions.append(randint(0,10)) print(index) x = questions[index] y = questions[index+1] index += 2 print(x, "*", y, "=") answer = input() if answer is (x*y): print("Correct") correct += 1 else: print("Incorrect") print("You got", correct, "/" , "5" , " correct and have a percentage of " , (correct/5)*100 , "%") correct = 0 print("would you like to play again? yes/no") user = raw_input() user.lower() if user != "yes": test = False

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Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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