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A man showed signs of a heart attack after swallowing a battery, doctors reported Monday in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine. The patient, a 26-year-old inmate in an Italian prison, was taken to the emergency room for stomach pain two hours after deliberately swallowing one AA battery. An X-ray revealed the object, where it appeared to be stuck in the man’s stomach. The doctors also performed a test called an electrocardiogram, or EKG, which measures the heart’s electrical activity. Oddly, the EKG pattern was similar to one that’s commonly seen when someone is having a heart attack. However, the man had no other heart attack symptoms, including chest pain, and other test results showed no signs of any heart issues. Instead, the authors of the report, from two hospitals in Florence, Italy, wrote that the battery — itself a source of electricity — was the source of the EKG pattern, which neatly mimicked what would be seen in a patient having a heart attack. Indeed, the heart’s electrical activity returned to normal after the battery was removed. That these EKG readings occurred after ingesting a battery is not surprising — after all, batteries conduct electricity. What made the case striking, the authors wrote, is the man had only swallowed one. “Previously, these EKG changes were described only in persons who swallowed several batteries,” they wrote. Recommended Article:

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