online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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#include "import" _ Animation("c",200); Animation("cl",200); Animation("cle",200); Animation("clea",200); Animation("clear",200); End
#include "Define" space in ColorBlack(text Texts){ print "\033[1;30m"+Texts+"\033[1;m"; reader } in ColorRed(text Texts){ print "\033[1;31m"+Texts+"\033[1;m"; reader } in ColorGreen(text Texts){ print "\033[1;32m"+Texts+"\033[1;m"; reader } in ColorBlue(text Texts){ print "\033[1;34m"+Texts+"\033[1;m"; reader } in ColorYellow(text Texts){ print "\033[1;33m"+Texts+"\033[1;m"; reader } in ColorPurple(text Texts){ print "\033[1;35m"+Texts+"\033[1;m"; reader } in ColorCyan(text Texts){ print "\033[1;36m"+Texts+"\033[1;m"; reader } in ColorWhite(text Texts){ print "\033[1;37m"+Texts+"\033[1;m"; reader } in Screen(text Left,text Top){ text str="gnome-terminal --geometry="+Left+"x"+Top; Char Command = str.Cstr; system Command); reader }
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; #define space using namespace std; #define print cout << #define PRINT cout << #define printf printf( #define println cout << endl << #define PRINTLN cout << endl << #define sent cin >> #define reader return 0; #define readers cin.get(); #define readerch getchar(); #define _ using namespace std;in main(){ #define End return 0;} #define nline endl #define Cstr c_str() #define fix const #define backring else #define ring if( #define ringw while( #define ringf for( #define def typedef #define Char const char * #define option case #define system system( #define assembly __asm__( #define Assembly __asm__( #define bp assembly "int 3"); #define dq '"' #define F$ fix $ * #define sizeis sizeof #define PI 3.141592653589793 #define getkey getch() #define selector switch #define found std::string::npos
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include "Define" using namespace std; def int in; def double dec8; def float DEC4; def double DEC8; def float dec4; def char $; def unsigned Un; def unsigned int UIN; def unsigned char U$; def void out; def string text; def string TEXT; def ofstream writefs; def ifstream opens; def long int LIN; def unsigned long ULNUM; def long LNUM; def long lnum;
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; /*Define system in Language*/ #define clears system "clear"); #define ls system "ls"); #define dir system "dir"); #define su system "su"); #define root system "sudo -s"); #define netstat system "netstat"); #define ifconfig system "ifconfig"); #define python system "python"); #define php system "php"); #define wine system "wine"); #define free system "free"); #define tree system "tree"); #define cal system "cal"); #define Calander system "cal"); #define history system "history"); #define exit system "exit"); #define poweroff system "systemctl poweroff -i");system "poweroff"); #define pwd system "pwd"); #define date system "date"); #define USBactive system "lsusb -tv"); #define top system "top"); #define curl system "curl"); #define gedit system "gedit");
#include "Define" #include <thread> // std::this_thread::sleep_for #include <chrono> // std::chrono::seconds space //using namespace std; in Result(){ readerch readers; reader } in Found(text texs,text pattern){ size_t founds = texs.find(pattern,0); ring founds != string::npos){ return founds+1; } reader } in ftp(text file,text username,text password,text website){ text Command; Command += "curl -T "; Command += file; Command += " -u "; Command += username; Command += ":"; Command += password+" "; Command += website; system Command.Cstr); reader } in FTP(text file,text username,text password,text website){ text Command; Command += "curl -T "; Command += file; Command += " -u "; Command += username; Command += ":"; Command += password+" "; Command += website; system Command.Cstr); reader } in Cursor(in Left,in Top){ text t = string(Top , '\n'); text l = string(Left , ' '); print t+l; reader } in cursor(in Left,in Top){ print string(Left , ' ') << string(Top , '\n'); reader } /*Code for Sleep Window*/ in sleep(in Seconds){ unsigned int sleep(unsigned int); this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::seconds(Seconds)); reader } in milisleep(in milisleep){ unsigned int sleep(unsigned int); this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(milisleep)); reader } in minusleep(in minusleep){ unsigned int sleep(unsigned int); this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::minutes(minusleep)); reader } in Sleep(in Seconds){ unsigned int sleep(unsigned int); this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(Seconds)); reader } in miliSleep(in milisleep){ unsigned int sleep(unsigned int); this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(milisleep)); reader } in minuSleep(in minusleep){ unsigned int sleep(unsigned int); this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::minutes(minusleep)); reader } /*System code for update and install*/ in UpdateSystem(){ system "pkg update"); system "pacman -U"); system "yum update"); system "brew update"); system "pkgin update"); reader } /*Upgrade system in Unix console*/ in UpgradeSystem(){ system "pkg upgrade"); system "pacman -U"); system "yum upgrade"); system "brew upgrade"); system "pkgin upgrade"); reader } out Zip(text File){ text Command; Command += "zip "+File; system Command.Cstr); } /*Install Application in Unix console*/ out InstallSystem(text Application){ text Commandst; Commandst +="yum install "+Application; system Commandst.Cstr); text Commandstr; Commandstr += "pkg install "+Application; system Commandstr.Cstr); text Commandstrs; Commandstrs +="pacman -S "+Application; system Commandstrs.Cstr); text Commanded; Commanded += "pkgin install "+Application; system Commanded.Cstr); text Commandsmac; Commandsmac +="brew install "+Application; system Commandsmac.Cstr); } in Animation(text a,in c){ clears write(a); milisleep(c); reader } in Animation($ a,in c){ clears write(a); milisleep(c); reader } out infoWifi(){ system "ifconfig"); }
#include "Define" space in Dialog(text Commands,text Message,text Width,text Height){ text Command; Command += "dialog --"+Commands; Command += " "+Message; Command += " "+Width; Command += " "+Height; system Command.Cstr); reader } in dialog(text Commands,text Message,text Width,text Height){ text Command; Command += "dialog --"+Commands; Command += " "+Message; Command += " "+Width; Command += " "+Height; system Command.Cstr); reader }
#include "Define" space out PlayMusic(text music){ text Command; Command += "play "+music; system Command.Cstr); } out playmusic(text music){ text Command; Command += "play "+music; system Command.Cstr); } out RecordVoice(text NameFile){ text Command; Command += "arecord -f S16_LE -r 16000 "+NameFile; system Command.Cstr); text Command2; Command2 += "play "+NameFile; system Command2.Cstr); } out RecordVoice(text NameFile,text rate){ text Command; Command += "arecord -f S16_LE -r "+rate; Command +=" "+NameFile; system Command.Cstr); text Command2s; Command2s += "play "+NameFile; system Command2s.Cstr); } in texttospeech(text Text){ text Command; Command += "espeak "+Text; system Command.Cstr); reader } in TexttoSpeech(text Text){ text Command; Command += "espeak "+Text; system Command.Cstr); reader }
#include "Define" #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> /*Code for developer web*/ out SourceWeb(text AddWebsite,text AddressFile){ text Command; Command += "httrack "+AddWebsite; Command += " +* -r6"; Command += " -O "+AddressFile; system Command.Cstr); opens openFile(AddressFile); } /*Test speed internet*/ in spinternet(text testURL){ text Command; Command += "ping "+testURL; system Command.Cstr); reader } in SPinternet(text testURL){ text Command; Command += "ping "+testURL; system Command.Cstr); reader } /*Dissconnect WIFI in Device*/ out DisconnectWifi(){ system "ifconfig ens33 down"); system "ifconfig wlan0 down"); system "ifconfig eth0 down"); } /*Connect WIFI in Device*/ out ConnectWifi(){ system "ifconfig ens33 up"); system "ifconfig wlan0 up"); system "ifconfig eth0 up"); }
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include "Define" space /*Write for print*/ out Write(text STR) { text Command; Command += "echo "; Command += dq; Command += STR; Command += dq; Command += " "; system Command.Cstr); readers; } out Write(text STR, text STR2){ text Command; Command += "echo "; Command += dq; Command += STR; Command += STR2; Command += dq; system Command.Cstr); readers; } /*Counter for Write*/ in Write(text STR, in INT, text STR3) { print STR << INT << STR3; readers; reader } in write(in INT, text STR, text STR3) { print INT << STR << STR3; reader } in Write(text STR, text STR2, in INT) { print STR << STR2 << INT; reader } out write(text STR, text STR2, text STR3) { text Command; Command += "echo "; Command += dq; Command += STR; Command += STR2; Command += STR3; Command += dq; system Command.Cstr); readers; } out Write(text STR, text STR2, text STR3) { text Command; Command += "echo "; Command += dq; Command += STR; Command += STR2; Command += STR3; Command += dq; system Command.Cstr); readers; } out Write(text STR, text STR2, text STR3, text STR4) { text Command; Command += "echo "; Command += dq; Command += STR; Command += STR2; Command += STR3; Command += STR4; Command += dq; system Command.Cstr); readers; } out write(text STR, text STR2, text STR3, text STR4) { text Command; Command += "echo "; Command += dq; Command += STR; Command += STR2; Command += STR3; Command += STR4; Command += dq; system Command.Cstr); readers; } /*Number for int*/ in Write(in INT) { print INT; reader } in Write(text STR, in INT) { print STR << " " << INT; reader } in Write(in INT, text STR) { print INT << " " << STR; reader } /*Repeat Code for Easily*/ out write(text STR) { text Command; Command += "echo "; Command += dq; Command += STR; Command += dq; Command += " "; system Command.Cstr); } out write(text STR, text STR2) { text Command; Command += "echo "; Command += dq; Command += STR; Command += "\n"; Command += STR2; Command += dq; system Command.Cstr); } in write(in INT) { print INT << " "; reader } in write(text STR, in INT) { print STR << " " << INT; reader } in write(in INT, text STR) { print INT << " " << STR; reader } /*This Code for Every Number*/ in write(text STR, dec8 Double) { print STR << " " << Double; reader } in Write(dec8 Double, dec8 Double2) { print Double << Double2; reader }
#include "Define" #include "Type" #include "Write.h" #include "Color.h" #include "Math.h" #include "System" #include "RunTime.h" #include "WaseVC.h" #include "Example.h" #include "File.h" #include "WebDefine.h" #include "UnixApplication.h"
#include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include "Define" space //this code for math find C and c template <class tangent> tangent Tan(tangent a) { print tan(a); reader } template <class consinef> consinef Cosf(consinef a) { print cosf(a); reader } template <class tangentf> tangentf Tanf(tangentf num) { print tanf(num); reader } template <class cosine> cosine Cos(cosine a) { print cos(a); reader } template <class plus> plus Plus(plus Var1, plus Var2) { print Plus(Var1, Var2); reader } template <class multiply> multiply Multiply(multiply Var1,multiply Var2) { print Multiply(Var1, Var2); reader } template <class sinus> sinus Sin(sinus num) { print sin(num); reader } template <class power> power Pow(power Num1, power Num2) { print pow(Num1, Num2); reader } template <class sqrts> sqrts SQRT(sqrts power2) { print sqrt(power2); reader } in factoral(in x){ ring x == 1){ return 1; } backring{ return x * factoral(x-1); } }
#include "Define" #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> #include <random> space in Random(in i){ srand((Un)time(0)); in s = (rand()%i)+1; return s; } in Randomize(){ random_device rd; return rd(); }
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include "Define" space in FileWrite(text Texts,text Files){ writefs file;; file << Texts; file.close(); reader } in filewrite(text Texts,text Files){ writefs file;; file << Texts; file.close(); reader } in FileOpen(text Filesa){ text txt; opens openFile(Filesa); ring openFile.is_open()){ ringw getline(openFile,txt)){ print txt << nline; } } reader } in fileopen(text Filesa){ text txt; opens openFile(Filesa); ring openFile.is_open()){ ringw getline(openFile,txt)){ print txt << nline; } } reader } in IndexOf(text Text,text Text2){ text sind(Text); text finder(Text2); size_t foun = sind.find(finder); return foun; } in indexof(text Text,text Text2){ text sind(Text); text finder(Text2); size_t foun = sind.find(finder); return foun; }
#include "Define" space namespace Example{ out Triangle(){ ringf in i =0 ;i <= 5;i++){ ringf in d=0;d <= i;d++){ Cursor(i,d); print "*"; } } } out ASCII(){ print "[1]Change Text to ASCII" << nline << " [2]Change ASCII to Text" << nline; print "Please Enter Number:"; in as; sent as; ring as == 1){ ringw true){ print "Please Enter Character:"; $ a; sent a; print in(a) << nline; } } ring as == 2){ ringw true){ print "Please Enter Number:"; in s; sent s; print $(s) << nline; } } } out Animation(){ system "sl"); } out OS(){ text Com; $ d = Cursor(1800,1); Cursor(1800,1); ringw true){ println ">"; sent Com; text str; ring Com == "echo" && sent str){ Cursor(1800,1); print str; } backring ring Com == "Triangle"){ Triangle(); } backring ring Com == "clear"){ clears cursor(1800,1); } backring ring Com == "ls"){ ls } backring ring Com == "exit"){ _Exit(0); } backring ring Com == "help"){ println "::ls"; println "::clear"; println "::exit"; println "::Triangle"; println "::echo [Text]"; } backring{ print Com << " not word in Command"; } } } }

Compiling Program...

Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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