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#include <iostream> // std::cout #include <algorithm> // std::rotate #include <vector> // std::vector using namespace std; vector<int>solution(vector<int> &A, int K) { for (size_t i{};i<K;++i) { std::rotate(A.begin(),(A.begin()+4),A.end()); } // 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 // print out content: std::cout << "Rotated vector contains:"; for (std::vector<int>::iterator it=A.begin(); it!=A.end(); ++it) std::cout << ' ' << *it; std::cout << '\n'; return A; // don't really need this lol } int main () { std::vector<int> myvector; int num{}; cout<<"How many numbers do you want to enter?\n"; cin>>num; for (size_t j{};j<num;++j) { int val{}; cout<<"\nEnter a number to be stored:\n"; cin>>val; myvector.push_back(val); } int count{}; cout<<"Enter the number of rotations:\n"; cin>>count; solution(myvector,count); }

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