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// // ex13_31 // Exercise 13.31 // Created by Soyn on 21/7/15. // Add the vector<HasPtr>, and sort it. // // Refactored by Yue Wang Jul 2015 // #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include "ex13_31.h" int main(void) { HasPtr s{ "s" }, a{ "a" }, c{ "c" }; std::vector<HasPtr> vec{ s, a, c }; std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end()); for (auto const& elem : vec); return 0; }
// // ex13_31.h // Exercise 13.31 // // Created by pezy on 1/23/15. // // Give your class a < operator and define a vector of HasPtrs. // Give that vector some elements and then sort the vector. // Note when swap is called. // // Refactored by Yue Wang Jul 2015 // #ifndef CP5_ex13_11_h #define CP5_ex13_11_h #include <string> #include <iostream> class HasPtr { public: friend void swap(HasPtr&, HasPtr&); friend bool operator<(const HasPtr &lhs, const HasPtr &rhs); HasPtr(const std::string &s = std::string()) : ps(new std::string(s)), i(0) { } HasPtr(const HasPtr &hp) : ps(new std::string(*, i(hp.i) { } HasPtr& operator=(HasPtr tmp) { this->swap(tmp); return *this; } ~HasPtr() { delete ps; } void swap(HasPtr &rhs) { using std::swap; swap(ps,; swap(i, rhs.i); std::cout << "call swap(HasPtr &rhs)" << std::endl; } void show() const { std::cout << *ps << std::endl; } private: std::string *ps; int i; }; void swap(HasPtr& lhs, HasPtr& rhs) { lhs.swap(rhs); } bool operator<(const HasPtr &lhs, const HasPtr &rhs) { return * < *; } #endif

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