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''' Card deck entropy, in the context of shuffling, refers to the degree of disorder or unpredictability in the arrangement of cards in a deck. It measures how difficult it is to predict the order of cards after shuffling. Higher entropy indicates a more random and unpredictable card distribution, which is essential for fair gameplay in card games. Entropy is a fundamental concept in information theory and statistics, helping to quantify the level of uncertainty in a system. In card games, higher entropy means more secrecy about card positions, enhancing the element of surprise during play. ''' import random import time orginal_list = [ 'A','2','3','4','5','6','7' ] shuffle_list = orginal_list[:] random.shuffle(shuffle_list) counter = 0 while not orginal_list == shuffle_list: random.shuffle(shuffle_list) counter += 1 print(counter, shuffle_list) time.sleep(0.05) print(f'\nAfter {counter} draws, the positions on both lists are in the same order again.') input('\nENTER...')

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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