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Source Code   
from urllib.request import urlopen import json import csv # Get search results response = urlopen("") data = json.loads( # Gather video ids ids = "" for v in data["items"]: ids += v["id"]["videoId"] + "," # Get statistics on gathered videos response = urlopen("" + ids[:-1] + "&part=snippet,statistics&key=AIzaSyATjKAaTmkKCMo7i6Tqc8aDsdPt1M7fVMU&alt=json") cs = response.headers.get_content_charset() data = json.loads( # Write to CSV f = open("data.csv", newline="\n", encoding=cs, mode="w") w = csv.writer(f) w.writerow(["video ID", "title" , "no of views", "no of likes", "no of comments"]) for v in data["items"]: row = [v["id"], v["snippet"]["title"]] row.append(v["statistics"]["viewCount"] if "viewCount" in v["statistics"] else 0) row.append(v["statistics"]["likeCount"] if "likeCount" in v["statistics"] else 0) row.append(v["statistics"]["commentCount"] if "commentCount" in v["statistics"] else 0) w.writerow(row) f.close()

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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