online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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/********** "MarioLANG is a two-dimensional programming language made by User:Wh1teWolf, based on Super Mario." (quoting This is an interpreter for the language by Tom Smeding. **********/ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <climits> #include <cmath> #include <termios.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #define FATAL_FALSE(s) {SHOW_FATAL(s);return false;} #define ERROR_FALSE(s) {SHOW_ERROR(s);return false;} #define SHOW_FATAL(...) {if(debuglevel>=0){fprintf(stderr,"\x1B[31;1m");fprintf(stderr,__VA_ARGS__);fprintf(stderr,"\x1B[0m\n");}} #define SHOW_ERROR(...) {if(debuglevel>=1){fprintf(stderr,"\x1B[31m");fprintf(stderr,__VA_ARGS__);fprintf(stderr,"\x1B[0m\n");}} #define SHOW_MESSAGE(...) {if(debuglevel>=2){fprintf(stderr,"\x1B[36m");fprintf(stderr,__VA_ARGS__);fprintf(stderr,"\x1B[0m\n");}} #define SHOW_DEBUG(...) {if(debuglevel>=3){fprintf(stderr,"\x1B[37m");fprintf(stderr,__VA_ARGS__);fprintf(stderr,"\x1B[0m\n");}} #define DIRRIGHT (0) #define DIRUP (1) #define DIRLEFT (2) #define DIRNONE (3) #define TABWIDTH (8) using namespace std; int debuglevel, animatedelay; bool animate, animateShowTape; template < class T > class negvector; class mario; char getch () { char b = 0; struct termios o = { }; fflush (stdout); if (tcgetattr (0, &o) < 0) perror ("tcsetattr()"); o.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; o.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; o.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; o.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; if (tcsetattr (0, TCSANOW, &o) < 0) perror ("tcsetattr ICANON"); if (read (0, &b, 1) < 0) perror ("read()"); o.c_lflag |= ICANON; o.c_lflag |= ECHO; if (tcsetattr (0, TCSADRAIN, &o) < 0) perror ("tcsetattr ~ICANON"); return b; } void moveto (int x, int y) { printf ("\x1B[%d;%dH", y + 1, x + 1); fflush (stdout); } int max (int a, int b) { return a < b ? b : a; } template < class T > class negvector { vector < T > pos, neg; public: int size (void) { return pos.size () + neg.size (); } int sizepos (void) { return pos.size (); } int sizeneg (void) { return neg.size (); } void resizepos (int n, T val = T ()) { pos.resize (n, val); } void resizeneg (int n, T val = T ()) { neg.resize (n, val); } T & operator[](int idx) { return idx < 0 ? neg[-idx - 1] : pos[idx]; } }; class mario { public: int ipx, ipy, memp, dir; bool walking, skip; }; class Level { private: negvector < int >memory; vector < string > code; int outputx, outputy, inputy, tapex; void drawTape (mario * m) { static int minidx = -1, maxidx = -1; static bool inited = false; int i, intwidth; char printf_format[20]; if (!inited) { inited = true; minidx = 0; maxidx = 0; } if (m->memp < minidx) minidx = m->memp; if (m->memp > maxidx) maxidx = m->memp; intwidth = max (1 + log10 (minidx == 0 ? 0.1 : -minidx), log10 (maxidx == 0 ? 1 : maxidx)) + 1; printf ("\x1B[34m"); fflush (stdout); //blue snprintf (printf_format, 20, "%%%dd%%c %%d", intwidth); // fprintf(stderr,"%s",printf_format); // exit(0); for (i = minidx; i <= maxidx; i++) { moveto (tapex, i - minidx); printf ("\x1B[0K"); fflush (stdout); printf (printf_format, i, m->memp == i ? '#' : '.', memory[i]); fflush (stdout); } printf ("\x1B[0m"); fflush (stdout); moveto (outputx, outputy); } void animationFrameStart (int x, int y, char c) { moveto (x, y); printf ("\x1B[41;1m%c\x1B[0m", c); fflush (stdout); moveto (outputx, outputy); } void animationFrameEnd (mario * m, int x, int y, char c) { usleep (animatedelay); moveto (x, y); printf ("%c", c); fflush (stdout); moveto (outputx, outputy); if (animateShowTape) drawTape (m); } public: Level (void) { Level (cin); } Level (ifstream & cf) { code.resize (10); //some nice starting amount int i, maxlen = 0; for (i = 0; cf.good (); i++) { if (i + 1 > (int) code.size ()) code.resize (code.size () * 2); getline (cf, code[i]); if ((int) code[i].size () > maxlen) maxlen = code[i].size (); } if (&cf != &cin) cf.close (); code.resize (i); for (i = 0; i < (int) code.size (); i++) code[i].resize (maxlen, ' '); } int getoutputx (void) { return outputx; } int getoutputy (void) { return outputy; } void print (void) { vector < string >::const_iterator it; for (it = code.begin (); it != code.end (); it++) printf ("%s\n", it->c_str ()); } bool execcommandStep (mario * m) { static bool lastTurnWasStanding = false; SHOW_MESSAGE ("EC\tinstr=%c\tip=%d,%d\tmemp=%d\tmem[memp]=%d\tdir=%d\twalking=%d\tskip=%d", code[m->ipy][m->ipx], m->ipx, m->ipy, m->memp, memory[m->memp], m->dir, m->walking, m->skip); /*if(m->ipx<0||m->ipx>=code[m->ipy].size()){ ERROR_FALSE("Mario walked out of the world."); } */ while (m->ipy < (int) code.size () - 1 && code[m->ipy + 1][m->ipx] != '=' && code[m->ipy + 1][m->ipx] != '|' && code[m->ipy + 1][m->ipx] != '#' && code[m->ipy + 1][m->ipx] != '"') { if (!execcommandSingle (m)) return false; m->ipy++; } if (m->ipy == (int) code.size () - 1) ERROR_FALSE ("Mario fell out of the world."); if (code[m->ipy + 1][m->ipx] == '#' && !m->walking) { int newipy = m->ipy; while (newipy > 0 && code[newipy][m->ipx] != '"') newipy--; if (newipy > 0) { newipy--; for (m->ipy -= 1; m->ipy > newipy + 1; m->ipy--) if (!execcommandSingle (m)) return false; m->ipy = newipy; } else { newipy = m->ipy + 2; while (newipy < (int) code.size () && code[newipy][m->ipx] != '"') newipy++; if (newipy == (int) code.size ()) FATAL_FALSE ("Elevator without ending."); newipy--; for (m->ipy += 2; m->ipy < newipy; m->ipy++) if (!execcommandSingle (m)) return false; //now m->ipy == newipy } } if (!execcommandSingle (m)) return false; if (m->walking) { if (m->dir == DIRRIGHT) { if (m->ipx < (int) code[m->ipy].size () - 1) m->ipx++; else ERROR_FALSE ("Mario walked out of the world."); } else if (m->dir == DIRLEFT) { if (m->ipx > 0) m->ipx--; else ERROR_FALSE ("Mario walked out of the world."); } else FATAL_FALSE ("The world glitched!"); lastTurnWasStanding = false; } else { if (!lastTurnWasStanding) lastTurnWasStanding = true; else ERROR_FALSE ("Mario got tired of standing still."); } return true; } bool execcommandSingle (mario * m) { int num; char c; SHOW_DEBUG ("ECS at %d,%d: '%c'", m->ipx, m->ipy, code[m->ipy][m->ipx]); if (animate) { animationFrameStart (m->ipx, m->ipy, code[m->ipy][m->ipx]); } //if(animate)cout<<"\x1B[s\x1B["<<m->ipy+1<<";"<<m->ipx+1<<"H\x1B[41;1m"<<code[m->ipy][m->ipx]<<"\x1B[0m\x1B[u"<<flush; char codechar = code[m->ipy][m->ipx]; if (m->skip) { if (strchr ("=|#\")(+-.:,;><^![@w", codechar) != NULL) m->skip = false; codechar = '\0'; } switch (codechar) { case '=': case '|': case '#': case '"': FATAL_FALSE ("Mario somehow got stuck."); case ')': m->memp++; if (m->memp > memory.sizepos () - 1) { SHOW_MESSAGE ("Resizing memory to the right..."); memory.resizepos (memory.sizepos () * 2); } break; case '(': m->memp--; if (m->memp < -memory.sizeneg ()) { SHOW_MESSAGE ("Resizing memory to the left..."); memory.resizeneg (memory.sizeneg () * 2); } break; case '+': memory[m->memp]++; break; case '-': memory[m->memp]--; break; case '.': if (animate) { c = memory[m->memp]; if (c == '\r') outputx = 0; else if (c == '\n') { outputx = 0; outputy++; } else if (c == '\t') { outputx = TABWIDTH * (outputx / TABWIDTH + 1); } else if (c >= 0 && c < 32) { printf ("^%c", '@' + c); outputx += 2; } else if (c == 127) { printf ("^?"); outputx += 2; } else { printf ("%c", c); outputx++; } } else printf ("%c", (char) memory[m->memp]); fflush (stdout); break; case ':': num = printf ("%d ", memory[m->memp]); if (num < 0) ERROR_FALSE ("FATAL: IO error, printf returned a negative value!"); fflush (stdout); outputx += num; break; case ',': if (animate) { moveto (0, inputy); printf ("\x1B[34mInput char?\x1B[0m "); fflush (stdout); memory[m->memp] = getch (); } else { memory[m->memp] = getchar (); } if (animate) { printf ("\x1B[2K"); fflush (stdout); moveto (outputx, outputy); } SHOW_MESSAGE ("Read input: char %c", (unsigned char) memory[m->memp]); break; case ';': if (animate) { moveto (0, inputy); printf ("\x1B[34mInput number?\x1B[0m "); fflush (stdout); c = getch (); num = 0; while (c != '\r' && c != '\n') { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { num = 10 * num + c - '0'; printf ("%c", c); fflush (stdout); } else if (c == 127 && num != 0) { //backspace printf ("\x1B[D \x1B[D"); fflush (stdout); num /= 10; } c = getch (); } memory[m->memp] = num; printf ("\x1B[2K"); fflush (stdout); moveto (outputx, outputy); } else { scanf ("%d", &memory[m->memp]); } SHOW_MESSAGE ("Read input: number %d", (int) memory[m->memp]); break; case '>': m->dir = DIRRIGHT; m->walking = true; break; case '<': m->dir = DIRLEFT; m->walking = true; break; case '^': if (m->ipy != 0) m->ipy--; if (code[m->ipy][m->ipx] == '<') { m->dir = DIRLEFT; if (m->ipx == 0) ERROR_FALSE ("Mario walked out of the world."); } else if (code[m->ipy][m->ipx] == '>') { m->dir = DIRRIGHT; if (m->ipx >= (int) code[m->ipy].size ()) ERROR_FALSE ("Mario walked out of the world."); } else ERROR_FALSE ("Mario is exhausted of jumping infinitely."); m->walking = true; break; case '!': m->walking = false; m->dir = DIRNONE; break; case '[': if (memory[m->memp] == 0) m->skip = true; break; case '@': if (m->dir == DIRRIGHT) m->dir = DIRLEFT; else if (m->dir == DIRLEFT) m->dir = DIRRIGHT; else ERROR_FALSE ("The world glitched."); break; case 'w': animatedelay += 200000; break; default: break; } if (animate) { animationFrameEnd (m, m->ipx, m->ipy, code[m->ipy][m->ipx]); } //if(animate)cout<<"\x1B[s\x1B["<<m->ipy+1+(code[m->ipy+1][m->ipx]=='^')<<";"<<m->ipx+1<<"H"<<code[m->ipy+(code[m->ipy+1][m->ipx]=='^')][m->ipx]<<"\x1B[u"<<flush; return true; } void play (void) { mario *m = new mario; memory.resizepos (300); memory.resizeneg (300); m->ipx = 0; m->ipy = 0; m->dir = DIRRIGHT; m->walking = true; m->skip = false; m->memp = 0; if (animate) { printf ("\x1B[1J"); moveto (0, 0); print (); inputy = code.size (); //input comes first line under the code in animation mode outputx = 0; outputy = inputy + 2; //output comes under the input line, under "Output:" tapex = code[0].size () + 1; //tape comes to the right of the code moveto (0, outputy - 1); printf ("\x1B[34;1mOutput:\x1B[0m"); fflush (stdout); moveto (outputx, outputy); } while (execcommandStep (m)); } }; Level *L; void signalhandler (int sig) { switch (sig) { case SIGINT: if (animate) moveto (L->getoutputx (), L->getoutputy ()); exit (2); case SIGUSR1: animatedelay += 100000; //100ms extra break; } } int main (int argc, char **argv) { if (argc == 1) { printf ("Usage: %s [-a] [-d level] <file>\n" "\t-a Turn on \x1B[46ma\x1B[0mnimation mode.\n" "\t-d level Set \x1B[46md\x1B[0mebug level to 'level', where 'level' can be:\n" "\t -1: No fatal errors.\n" "\t 0: No debug output. Default.\n" "\t 1: Show errors.\n" "\t 2: Plus one debug line per command.\n" "\t 3: Frantic. Useless. Adds even more shit per executed command.\n" "\t-T Show the \x1B[46mT\x1B[0mape in animation mode.\n" "\t-w msecs Sets the time to \x1B[46mw\x1B[0mait between commands in milliseconds if animating. Useless otherwise.\n", argv[0]); return 0; } signal (SIGINT, signalhandler); signal (SIGUSR1, signalhandler); debuglevel = 0; animatedelay = 250000; animate = false; animateShowTape = false; int i, j; bool skipNextArg = false; for (i = 1; i < argc - 1; i++) { if (skipNextArg) { skipNextArg = false; continue; } if (argv[i][0] == '-') { for (j = 1; argv[i][j] != '\0'; j++) { if (argv[i][j] == 'a') animate = true; else if (argv[i][j] == 'd') { debuglevel = strtol (argv[i + 1], NULL, 10); skipNextArg = true; } else if (argv[i][j] == 'T') animateShowTape = true; else if (argv[i][j] == 'w') { animatedelay = strtol (argv[i + 1], NULL, 10) * 1000; skipNextArg = true; } else { fprintf (stderr, "Unrecognised option %c\n", argv[i][j]); return 0; } } } else { fprintf (stderr, "Unrecognised argument %s\n", argv[i]); return 0; } } if (strcmp (argv[argc - 1], "-") == 0) { L = new Level (); } else { ifstream cf; //CodeFile (argv[argc - 1]); if (!cf.is_open ()) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not open file '%s'\n", argv[argc - 1]); fprintf (stderr, "Run %s without arguments for usage information.\n", argv[0]); return 0; } L = new Level (cf); } L->play (); delete L; return 0; }
> ++)+++) ======= ) < ======= >(((-)))+)+(((([! """"============### ! ))) <<< ###=============""" ))) < =================== >((-))+))+(((([! """"===========### ! )) <<< ###============""" )) < ================== >-)))+((([! "=========### ! <<< #=========""" = ))))) < ============= > ==================== >(((-)))+)+(((([! """"============### ! ))) <<< ###=============""" ))) < =================== >((-))+))+(((([! """"===========### ! )) <<< ###============""" )) < ================== >-)))+((([! "=========### ! <<< #=========""" = ))))) < ============= > ==================== >(((-)))+)+(((([! """"============### ! ))) <<< ###=============""" ))) < =================== >((-))+))+(((([! """"===========### ! )) <<< ###============""" )) < ================== >-)))+((([! "=========### ! <<< #=========""" = ))))) < ============= > ==================== >(((-)))+)+(((([! """"============### ! ))) <<< ###=============""" ))) < =================== >((-))+))+(((([! """"===========### ! )) <<< ###============""" )) < ================== >-)))+((([! "=========### ! <<< #=========""" = ))))) < ============= > ==================== >(((-)))+)+(((([! """"============### ! ))) <<< ###=============""" ))) < =================== >((-))+))+(((([! """"===========### ! )) <<< ###============""" )) < ================== >-)))+((([! "=========### ! <<< #=========""" = ))))) < ============= > ==================== >(((-)))+)+(((([! """"============### ! ))) <<< ###=============""" ))) < =================== >((-))+))+(((([! """"===========### ! )) <<< ###============""" )) < ================== >-)))+((([! "=========### ! <<< #=========""" = ))))) < =============

Compiling Program...

Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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