online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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Source Code   
let rec prompt_for_pin () = print_string "Please enter your PIN: "; let input = read_line () in if input = "1234" then true else (print_string "Invalid PIN. Please try again.\n"; prompt_for_pin ()) let rec prompt_for_transaction account_balance = print_string "Please select a transaction type (D for deposit, W for withdrawal): "; let transaction_type = read_line () in if transaction_type = "D" then (print_string "Please enter the amount you would like to deposit: "; let amount = read_float () in account_balance +. amount) else if transaction_type = "W" then (print_string "Please enter the amount you would like to withdraw: "; let amount = read_float () in let new_balance = account_balance -. amount in if new_balance < 0. then (print_string "Insufficient funds.\n"; account_balance) else new_balance) else (print_string "Invalid transaction type. Please try again.\n"; prompt_for_transaction account_balance) let main () = let account_balance = 1000. in print_string "Welcome to the ATM.\n"; if prompt_for_pin () then let new_balance = prompt_for_transaction account_balance in print_string "Transaction complete. Thank you for using our ATM.\n"; print_string "Your new balance is: "; print_float new_balance; print_string "\n" else print_string "Sorry, you have entered an invalid PIN.\n" let () = main ()

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Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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