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# author: ankan2526 n=int(input()) a=set([int(i) for i in input().split()]) store=set() def all_possible_comb(a): # if already in store, then return if tuple(a) in store: return # if length of a == 0, then add it to store and return if len(a)==0: store.add(tuple(a)) return # add a to the store store.add(tuple(a)) # recursion for i in range(len(a)): all_possible_comb(a[:i]+a[i+1:]) ## main function for i in a: x=i zero_bits=[] ind=0 for ind in range(17): if x%2==0: zero_bits.append(ind) x//=2 all_possible_comb(zero_bits) # queries for query in range(int(input())): k=int(input()) one_bits=[] for ind in range(17): if k%2==1: one_bits.append(ind) k//=2 if tuple(one_bits) in store: print("Yes") else: print("No")

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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