online compiler and debugger for c/c++

code. compile. run. debug. share.
Source Code   
print("Welcome to Mad Libs!") # Get inputs from user noun1 = input("Enter a noun: ") verb1 = input("Enter a verb: ") adjective1 = input("Enter an adjective: ") noun2 = input("Enter another noun: ") verb2 = input("Enter another verb: ") adjective2 = input("Enter another adjective: ") # Print out the story with the user's inputs print("Once upon a time, there was a " + adjective1 + " " + noun1 + " who loved to " + verb1 + ".") print("One day, while " + verb2 + "ing " + noun2 + ", the " + noun1 + " met a " + adjective2 + " stranger.") print("The stranger invited the " + noun1 + " to join a secret club for people who love to " + verb2 + ".") print("Excitedly, the " + noun1 + " accepted the invitation and became a member of the club.") print("The End.")

Compiling Program...

Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



Program is not being debugged. Click "Debug" button to start program in debug mode.
