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#include "Channel.h" #include "Group.h" #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> int main() { // successfully create auto a = GroupFactory::create("alsa-source", "source1", 0, 2); // wrong number of arguments: return nullptr auto s = GroupFactory::create("square-source", "source2", 2, 2); // wrong argument type ("foo" is const char*, not std::string): return nullptr auto s2 = GroupFactory::create("square-source", "source2", 2, 2, "foo"); // successfully create auto s3 = GroupFactory::create("square-source", "source2", 2, 2, std::string("bar")); std::cout << std::boolalpha << (a != nullptr) << std::endl; std::cout << std::boolalpha << (s != nullptr) << std::endl; std::cout << std::boolalpha << (s2 != nullptr) << std::endl; std::cout << std::boolalpha << (s3 != nullptr) << std::endl; Channel c(10, 768); c.add_handler(a); c.add_handler(s3); c.handle(); return 0; }
#ifndef FACTORY_CHANNEL_H #define FACTORY_CHANNEL_H #include <vector> #include "Group.h" class Channel { protected: std::vector<Group *> handlers; public: int samples_in_frame; int frames_in_period; int32_t *buff; Channel(int channels, int bsize); virtual ~Channel(); inline int32_t get(int f, int s) const { return buff[f*samples_in_frame+s]; } inline void set(int f, int s, const int32_t v) const { buff[f*samples_in_frame+s] = v; } bool add_handler(Group * group); bool handle(); }; #endif //FACTORY_CHANNEL_H
#include "Channel.h" Channel::Channel(int channels, int bsize) : samples_in_frame(channels) , frames_in_period(bsize) , buff(new int32_t[channels*bsize]) {} Channel::~Channel() { delete[] buff; for (auto handler : handlers) delete handler; } bool Channel::add_handler(Group * group) { handlers.push_back(group); return true; } bool Channel::handle() { bool res = true; for (auto &group : handlers) { if (!group->handler(*this)) res = false; } return res; }
#ifndef FACTORY_GROUP_H #define FACTORY_GROUP_H #include <string> #include <unordered_map> #include <vector> class Channel; class Group { protected: std::string name; int offset_in_buffer; int samples_in_frame; bool is_enabled; bool is_source; public: Group(const char *name, int offset, int width) : name(name), offset_in_buffer(offset), samples_in_frame(width), is_enabled(true), is_source(false) {} virtual ~Group() = default; virtual bool handler(Channel &channel) = 0; virtual void enable(bool ok) { is_enabled = ok; } virtual std::string get_type() const = 0; }; template <typename Derived, typename... CtorArgs> class GroupRegistry : public Group { static bool dummy; template <typename T, T> struct dummy_value {}; typedef dummy_value<bool &, dummy> dummy_value_type; // force dummy to get evaluated*/ public: GroupRegistry(const char *name, int offset, int width) : Group(name, offset, width) {} std::string get_type() const override { return Derived::type(); } }; class GroupFactory { // note: there will be a different std::unordered_map for each different combination of Args template<typename... Args> static std::unordered_map<std::string, Group*(*)(Args...)> &get_factories() { static std::unordered_map<std::string, Group*(*)(Args...)> factories; return factories; } public: template<class Derived, typename... Args> static bool registerType() { auto &factories = get_factories<Args...>(); factories.template emplace(Derived::type(), [](Args... args) { return static_cast<Group*>(new Derived(std::forward<Args>(args)...)); }); return true; } // note: will return nullptr if `type` wasn't registered OR the arguments are the wrong type template<typename... Args> static Group *create(const std::string &type, Args&&... args) { auto &factories = get_factories<std::decay_t<Args>...>(); auto it = factories.find(type); return (it != factories.end()) ? it->second(std::forward<Args>(args)...) : nullptr; } }; template <typename Derived, typename... CtorArgs> bool GroupRegistry<Derived, CtorArgs...>::dummy = GroupFactory::registerType<Derived, CtorArgs...>(); #endif //FACTORY_GROUP_H
#include <iostream> #include "Group.h" class ALSA_source : public GroupRegistry<ALSA_source, const char *, int, int> { public: using GroupRegistry<ALSA_source, const char *, int, int>::GroupRegistry; static const char* type() { return "alsa-source"; } bool handler(Channel &channel) override { std::cout << "type is: " << type() << std::endl; return true; } }; class Square_source : public GroupRegistry<Square_source, const char *, int, int, std::string> { // additional argument public: Square_source(const char *name, int offset, int width, std::string foo) : GroupRegistry<Square_source, const char *, int, int, std::string>(name, offset, width), foo(foo) {} static const char* type() { return "square-source"; } bool handler(Channel &channel) override { std::cout << "type is: " << type() << std::endl; return true; } std:: string foo; }; class ALSA_sink : public GroupRegistry<ALSA_sink, const char *, int, int> { public: using GroupRegistry<ALSA_sink, const char *, int, int>::GroupRegistry; static const char* type() { return "alsa-sink"; } bool handler(Channel &channel) override { std::cout << "type is: " << type() << std::endl; return true; } };

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