online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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/****************************************************************************** Online C++ Compiler. Code, Compile, Run and Debug C++ program online. Write your code in this editor and press "Run" button to compile and execute it. *******************************************************************************/ #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class rcstring { struct rctext; rctext* data; public: class Range {}; class Cref; rcstring(); rcstring(const char*); rcstring(const rcstring&); ~rcstring(); rcstring& operator=(const char*); rcstring& operator=(const rcstring&); rcstring& operator+=(const rcstring&); rcstring operator+(const rcstring&) const; friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const rcstring&); void check(unsigned int i) const; char read(unsigned int i) const; void write(unsigned int i, char c); char operator[](unsigned int i) const; Cref operator[](unsigned int i); int atoi(); rcstring toLower(); rcstring Left(int n); }; /////////////////POCZATEK STRUCT RCTEXT ////////////////// struct rcstring::rctext { char* s; unsigned int size; unsigned int n; rctext(unsigned int nsize, const char* p) //konstruktor { n = 1; size = nsize; s = new char[size + 1]; strncpy(s, p, size); //skopiuje "size" znaków z p do s s[size] = '\0'; }; ~rctext() //destruktor { delete[] s; }; rctext* detach() //funkcja ta odłącza odwołanie { if (n == 1) return this; rctext* t = new rctext(size, s); n--; return t; }; void assign(unsigned int nsize, const char* p) { if (size != nsize) { char* ns = new char[nsize + 1]; size = nsize; strncpy(ns, p, size); //skopiuje "size" znaków z p do ns delete[] s; s = ns; } else strncpy(s, p, size); s[size] = '\0'; } private: rctext(const rctext&); rctext& operator=(const rctext&); }; ////////////////////KONIEC STRUCT RCTEXT /////////////////////////// ////////////////////POCZĄTEK CLASS CREF //////////////////////////// class rcstring::Cref { friend class rcstring; rcstring& s; int i; Cref(rcstring& ss, unsigned int ii) : s(ss) , i(ii){}; public: operator char() const { cout << "operator char() const" << endl; return; } rcstring::Cref& operator=(char c) { cout << "void operator = (char c)" << endl; s.write(i, c); return *this; } rcstring::Cref& operator=(const Cref& ref) { return operator=((char)ref); } }; //////////////////KONIEC CLASS CREF /////////////////////////// //kody wstawiane w miejsca wywołań inline rcstring::rcstring() { data = new rctext(0, ""); } inline rcstring::rcstring(const rcstring& x) {>n++; data =; } inline rcstring::~rcstring() //to ważne { if (--data->n == 0) delete data; } rcstring& rcstring::operator=(const rcstring& x) {>n++; if (--data->n == 0) delete data; data =; return *this; } rcstring::rcstring(const char* s) { data = new rctext(strlen(s), s); } rcstring& rcstring::operator=(const char* s) { if (data->n == 1) data->assign(strlen(s), s); else { rctext* t = new rctext(strlen(s), s); data->n--; data = t; }; return *this; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const rcstring& s) //wypisanie do konsoli { return o <<>s; } rcstring& rcstring::operator+=(const rcstring& s) { unsigned int newsize = data->size +>size; rctext* newdata = new rctext(newsize, data->s); //do konstr strcat(newdata->s,>s); //dopisanie na koniec tego co po prawej if (--data->n == 0) delete data; data = newdata; return *this; } rcstring rcstring::operator+(const rcstring& s) const { return rcstring(*this) += s; } inline void rcstring::check(unsigned int i) const { if (data->size <= i) //ilość odwołań musi być większa od i, a jak nie to jest błąd throw Range(); } inline char rcstring::read(unsigned int i) const { return data->s[i]; } inline void rcstring::write(unsigned int i, char c) { data = data->detach(); data->s[i] = c; } char rcstring::operator[](unsigned int i) const { cout << "char rcstring::operator[](unsigned int i) const" << endl; check(i); //check robi: if(data->size<=i) to throw Range() return data->s[i]; } rcstring::Cref rcstring::operator[](unsigned int i) // to co wyżej tylko, że to akurat jest używane w programie patrząc na konsole { cout << "Cref rcstring::operator[](unsigned int i)" << endl; check(i); return Cref(*this, i); } //Początek dodawanych Modułów/////////// int rcstring::atoi() { return ::atoi(data->s); } rcstring rcstring::toLower() { int i=0; rcstring test; //Dodałem tymczasowy rcstring test test=data->s; // skopiowałem do niego data->s int size = strlen(>s); // tu już działam na>s char *c = new char[size]; while(>s[i]) // też na test { c[i] = tolower(>s[i]); // też na test>s[i]=c[i]; i++; } return test; //tu chyba źle, bo samego obiektu nie powinienem raczej zwracać. } rcstring rcstring::Left(int n) { int size = strlen(data->s); if(n<0 || size <n) { throw Range(); } char *c = new char[size-n]; strncpy(c,data->s+n,size-n); return c; } int main() { rcstring capital("ABCDEEF"); rcstring numberString("1122334455"); int number = numberString.atoi(); rcstring lowered = capital.toLower(); cout<<"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl; cout<<"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl; cout<<"FUNKCJA ATOI: "<< number <<endl; cout<<"FUNKCJA toLower: "<< lowered << endl; cout <<"TUTAJ duzymi literami powinno byc: "<< capital <<endl; cout<<"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl; cout<<"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl; return 0; }

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