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#include <cstdint> #include <type_traits> #include <iostream> #include <initializer_list> #define __forceinline //_Pragma("inline=forced") struct GPIOA { static void Set(std::uint32_t value) { std::cout << "PortA:" << value << std::endl ; } } ; struct GPIOC { static void Set(std::uint32_t value) { std::cout << "PortC:" << value << std::endl ; ; } } ; struct GPIOB { static void Set(std::uint32_t value) { std::cout << "PortB:" << value << std::endl ; ; } } ; template <typename T, std::uint32_t pinNum> struct Pin { using PortType = T ; constexpr static std::uint32_t pin = pinNum ; } ; namespace PinHelper { template<typename ... Types> struct Collection { // static constexpr int size = (sizeof...(Types)); }; ///////////////// ?????????? ???? NoDuplicates ?? ?????????? LOKI //////////////// template<class X, class Y> struct Glue; template<class T, class... Ts> struct Glue<T, Collection<Ts...>> { using Result = Collection<T, Ts...>;}; template<class Q, class X> struct Erase; template<class Q> struct Erase<Q, Collection<>> { using Result = Collection<>;}; template<class Q, class... Tail> struct Erase<Q, Collection<Q, Tail...>> { using Result = Collection<Tail...>;}; template<class Q, class T, class... Tail> struct Erase<Q, Collection<T, Tail...>> { using Result = typename Glue<T, typename Erase<Q, Collection<Tail...>>::Result>::Result;}; template <class X> struct NoDuplicates; template <> struct NoDuplicates<Collection<>> { using Result = Collection<>; }; template <class T, class... Tail> struct NoDuplicates< Collection<T, Tail...> > { private: using L1 = typename NoDuplicates<Collection<Tail...>>::Result; using L2 = typename Erase<T,L1>::Result; public: using Result = typename Glue<T, L2>::Result; }; ///////////////// LOKI //////////////// } //==============================pass struct pass { __forceinline template<class ...T> constexpr pass(T...) { } }; //==================================================== using namespace PinHelper ; template <typename ...Ts> struct PinsPack { using Pins = PinsPack<Ts...> ; private: using TPins = typename NoDuplicates<Collection<Ts...>>::Result; static_assert(std::is_same<TPins, Collection<Ts...>>::value, "Беда: Одинаковые пины в списке") ; using Ports = typename NoDuplicates<Collection<typename Ts::PortType...>>::Result; template<class Q> constexpr static auto GetPortValue(std::size_t mask) { std::size_t result = 0; auto rmask = mask ; pass{(result |= ((std::is_same<Q, typename Ts::PortType>::value ? 1 : 0) & mask) * (1 << Ts::pin), mask>>=1)...}; pass{(result |= ((std::is_same<Q, typename Ts::PortType>::value ? 1 : 0) & ~rmask) * ((1 << Ts::pin) << 16), rmask>>=1)...}; return result; } __forceinline template<typename Port, typename ...Ports> constexpr static void SetPorts(Collection<Port, Ports...>, std::size_t mask) { auto result = GetPortValue<Port>(mask) ; Port::Set(result & 0xff) ; if constexpr (sizeof ...(Ports) != 0U) { Pins::template SetPorts<Ports...>(Collection<Ports...>(), mask) ; } } __forceinline template<std::size_t mask, typename Port, typename ...Ports> constexpr static void SetPorts(Collection<Port, Ports...>) { constexpr auto result = GetPortValue<Port>(mask) ; Port::Set(result & 0xff) ; if constexpr (sizeof ...(Ports) != 0U) { Pins::template SetPorts<mask, Ports...>(Collection<Ports...>()) ; } } __forceinline template<typename Port, typename ...Ports> constexpr static void WritePorts(Collection<Port, Ports...>, std::size_t mask) { Port::Set(GetPortValue<Port>(mask)) ; if constexpr (sizeof ...(Ports) != 0U) { Pins::template WritePorts<Ports...>(Collection<Ports...>(), mask) ; } } __forceinline template<std::size_t mask, typename Port, typename ...Ports> constexpr static void WritePorts(Collection<Port, Ports...>) { Port::Set(GetPortValue<Port>(mask)) ; if constexpr (sizeof ...(Ports) != 0U) { Pins::template WritePorts<mask, Ports...>(Collection<Ports...>()) ; } } public: static constexpr size_t size = sizeof ...(Ts) + 1U ; __forceinline static void Set(std::size_t mask ) { SetPorts(Ports(), mask) ; } __forceinline template<std::size_t mask = 0xffffffffU> static void Set() { SetPorts<mask>(Ports()) ; } __forceinline static void Write(std::size_t mask) { WritePorts(Ports(), mask) ; } __forceinline template<std::size_t mask = 0xffffffffU> static void Write() { WritePorts<mask>(Ports()) ; } } ; using Pin1 = Pin<GPIOC, 1>; using Pin2 = Pin<GPIOB, 1>; using Pin3 = Pin<GPIOA, 1>; using Pin4 = Pin<GPIOC, 2>; using Pin5 = Pin<GPIOA, 3>; int main() { PinsPack<Pin1, Pin2, Pin3, Pin4, Pin5>::Set() ; std::cout << " " << std::endl ; PinsPack<Pin1, Pin2, Pin3, Pin4, Pin5>::Set<3>() ; std::cout << " " << std::endl ; PinsPack<Pin1, Pin2, Pin3, Pin4, Pin5>::Set() ; std::cout << " " << std::endl ; PinsPack<Pin1, Pin2, Pin3, Pin4, Pin5>::Write(7) ; //std::cout << PinsPack<Pin1, Pin2, Pin3, Pin4, Pin5>::size << std::endl ; PinsPack<Pin1, Pin2, Pin3, Pin4, Pin5>::Write('A') ; using PinList = Collection<Pin1, Pin2, Pin3, Pin4> ; using TPins = typename NoDuplicates<PinList>::Result; static_assert(std::is_same<TPins, PinList>::value, " Беда: Одинаковые пины в списке ") ; return 0; }

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