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#include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <mutex> #include <atomic> #include <chrono> #include <condition_variable> class example { ::std::thread m_thread; ::std::mutex m_mutex; ::std::condition_variable m_cond; bool m_loop; int m_counter; private: void start(void) { m_loop = true; m_thread = ::std::thread{&example::thread_routine, this}; } private: void thread_routine(void) { ::std::unique_lock lock{m_mutex}; do { ::std::cout << m_counter << ::std::endl; } while ( not m_cond.wait_for ( lock , ::std::chrono::seconds{1} , [this](void) { return not m_loop; } ) ); } private: void stop(void) { { ::std::lock_guard lock{m_mutex}; m_loop = false; } m_cond.notify_one(); m_thread.join(); ++m_counter; } public: example(void): m_loop{}, m_counter{} { start(); } public: ~example(void) { stop(); } public: void restart(void) { stop(); start(); } }; int main() { example ex{}; for (;;) { ::std::this_thread::sleep_for(::std::chrono::seconds{3}); ex.restart(); } return 0; }

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Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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