online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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/* * Copyright 2018 Alexander A. Strelets. All rights reserved. * * Author: Alexander A. Strelets * e-mail: [email protected] * * This program is the proprietary software of the Author and/or his * licensors, and may only be used, duplicated, modified or distributed * pursuant to the terms and conditions of a separate, written license * agreement executed between you and the Author (an "Authorized * License"). Except as set forth in an Authorized License, the Author * grants no license (express or implied), right to use, or waiver of * any kind with respect to the Software, and the Author expressly * reserves all rights in and to the Software and all intellectual * property rights therein. * * IF YOU HAVE NO AUTHORIZED LICENSE, THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO USE THIS * SOFTWARE IN ANY WAY, AND SHOULD IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE AUTHOR AND * DISCONTINUE ALL USE OF THE SOFTWARE. */ #undef __STRICT_ANSI__ #define _POSIX_SOURCE #include <errno.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "adapter.h" enum message_e { HELLO, BYE, PROMPT }; #if __linux__ || __unix__ #define SEND_EOF "Ctrl+D at a new line, or " #elif __WINNT__ && __MINGW32__ #define SEND_EOF "Ctrl+Z at a new line and then ENTER, or " #else #define SEND_EOF "" #endif static const char *const messages[] = { /* HELLO */ TARGET " simulator.\n" "Type in a sequence of keystrokes and hit ENTER to confirm.\n" "The following keys are recognized:\n" " " KEYS "\n" "Simulator will process them one-by-one and print the state:\n" " " STATE "\n" "To cancel press " SEND_EOF "Ctrl+C, or whatever you have.\n" "Enjoy! Best regards, xoiss, Moscow, 2018.\n", /* BYE */ "\nSee you!\n" "And visit:\n", /* PROMPT */ "> " }; static int hide_dialogs; static int isinteractive(void); static int isendofstream(void); static void print_message(enum message_e message_id); static void process_input(void); int main(void) { hide_dialogs = !isinteractive(); print_message(HELLO); while (!isendofstream()) { print_message(PROMPT); process_input(); } print_message(BYE); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static int isinteractive(void) { if (isatty(fileno(stdin)) == 0) { #if __linux__ || __unix__ if (errno != EINVAL && errno != ENOTTY) { perror("isatty"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif return 0; } return 1; } static int isendofstream(void) { return ferror(stdin) || feof(stdin); } static void print_message(enum message_e message_id) { if (!hide_dialogs) { fputs(messages[message_id], stdout); fflush(stdout); } } static void process_input(void) { char s[256], *p, c; while ((p = fgets(s, sizeof s, stdin)) != NULL) { while ((c = *p++) != '\0') { if (c == '\n') { return; } if (process_key(&c)) { fprintf(stdout, "[%c] => %s\n", c, print_state()); fflush(stdout); } } } }
/* * Copyright 2018 Alexander A. Strelets. All rights reserved. * * Author: Alexander A. Strelets * e-mail: [email protected] * * This program is the proprietary software of the Author and/or his * licensors, and may only be used, duplicated, modified or distributed * pursuant to the terms and conditions of a separate, written license * agreement executed between you and the Author (an "Authorized * License"). Except as set forth in an Authorized License, the Author * grants no license (express or implied), right to use, or waiver of * any kind with respect to the Software, and the Author expressly * reserves all rights in and to the Software and all intellectual * property rights therein. * * IF YOU HAVE NO AUTHORIZED LICENSE, THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO USE THIS * SOFTWARE IN ANY WAY, AND SHOULD IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE AUTHOR AND * DISCONTINUE ALL USE OF THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "adapter.h" #include "simulator.h" static const struct { char c; enum key_e key; } char2key[] = { { 'C', KEY_C }, { 'c', KEY_C }, { '%', KEY_PCT }, { '+', KEY_ADD }, { '7', KEY_7 }, { '8', KEY_8 }, { '9', KEY_9 }, { '-', KEY_SUB }, { '4', KEY_4 }, { '5', KEY_5 }, { '6', KEY_6 }, { '*', KEY_MUL }, { '1', KEY_1 }, { '2', KEY_2 }, { '3', KEY_3 }, { '/', KEY_DIV }, { '0', KEY_0 }, { '.', KEY_P }, { ',', KEY_P }, { '=', KEY_EQU }, }; static const struct { enum state_e state; char c; } state2char[] = { { ST_READY, 'R' }, { ST_INT, 'I' }, { ST_FRAC, 'F' }, { ST_ERROR, 'E' }, }; static const struct { enum func_e func; char c; } func2char[] = { { FN_NOP, ' ' }, { FN_ADD, '+' }, { FN_SUB, '-' }, { FN_MUL, '*' }, { FN_DIV, '/' }, { FN_REP_ADD, '+' }, { FN_REP_SUB, '-' }, { FN_REP_MUL, '*' }, { FN_REP_DIV, '/' }, { FN_PCT_ADD, '+' }, { FN_PCT_SUB, '-' }, { FN_PCT_MUL, '*' }, { FN_PCT_DIV, '/' }, }; static const struct { enum func_e func; char c; } mode2char[] = { { FN_NOP, ' ' }, { FN_ADD, ' ' }, { FN_SUB, ' ' }, { FN_MUL, ' ' }, { FN_DIV, ' ' }, { FN_REP_ADD, 'K' }, { FN_REP_SUB, 'K' }, { FN_REP_MUL, 'K' }, { FN_REP_DIV, 'K' }, { FN_PCT_ADD, '%' }, { FN_PCT_SUB, '%' }, { FN_PCT_MUL, '%' }, { FN_PCT_DIV, '%' }, }; static void print_display(char **p); static void print_register(char **p, struct reg_s *reg); int process_key(char *c) { enum key_e key; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof char2key / sizeof char2key[0]; ++i) { if (char2key[i].c == *c) { key = char2key[i].key; key_pressed(key); while (i-- > 0) { if (char2key[i].key == key) { *c = char2key[i].c; } } return 1; } } return 0; } const char *print_state(void) { static char s[256]; char *p = s; char state_c = '?', func_c ='?', mode_c = '?'; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof state2char / sizeof state2char[0]; ++i) { if (state2char[i].state == control.state) { state_c = state2char[i].c; } } for (i = 0; i < sizeof func2char / sizeof func2char[0]; ++i) { if (func2char[i].func == control.func) { func_c = func2char[i].c; } } for (i = 0; i < sizeof mode2char / sizeof mode2char[0]; ++i) { if (mode2char[i].func == control.func) { mode_c = mode2char[i].c; } } *p++ = '['; *p++ = ' '; print_display(&p); *p++ = ']'; *p++ = ' '; *p++ = ' '; *p++ = '['; *p++ = ' '; print_register(&p, &reg_1); *p++ = ' '; print_register(&p, &reg_2); *p++ = ' '; *p++ = state_c; *p++ = ' '; *p++ = func_c; *p++ = ' '; *p++ = mode_c; *p++ = ' '; *p++ = ']'; *p++ = '\0'; return s; } static void print_display(char **p) { /* "- 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. " */ int e = 0; int i; *(*p)++ = reg_1.neg ? '-' : ' '; *(*p)++ = ' '; *(*p)++ = ' '; for (i = WIDTH - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (reg_1.d[i] != 0 || i == reg_1.exp) { e = 1; } *(*p)++ = e ? (char)(reg_1.d[i] + '0') : ' '; *(*p)++ = (i == reg_1.exp || control.state == ST_ERROR) ? '.' : ' '; *(*p)++ = ' '; } } static void print_register(char **p, struct reg_s *reg) { /* "+0000000." */ int i; *(*p)++ = reg->neg ? '-' : '+'; for (i = WIDTH - 1; i >= 0; --i) { *(*p)++ = (char)(reg->d[i] + '0'); if (i == reg->exp) { *(*p)++ = '.'; } } }
/* * Copyright 2018 Alexander A. Strelets. All rights reserved. * * Author: Alexander A. Strelets * e-mail: [email protected] * * This program is the proprietary software of the Author and/or his * licensors, and may only be used, duplicated, modified or distributed * pursuant to the terms and conditions of a separate, written license * agreement executed between you and the Author (an "Authorized * License"). Except as set forth in an Authorized License, the Author * grants no license (express or implied), right to use, or waiver of * any kind with respect to the Software, and the Author expressly * reserves all rights in and to the Software and all intellectual * property rights therein. * * IF YOU HAVE NO AUTHORIZED LICENSE, THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO USE THIS * SOFTWARE IN ANY WAY, AND SHOULD IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE AUTHOR AND * DISCONTINUE ALL USE OF THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef ADAPTER_B3_23_CONSOLE_H_ #define ADAPTER_B3_23_CONSOLE_H_ #define TARGET "Elektronika B3-23" #define KEYS "C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . , + - * / % =" #define STATE "indicator and second registers, operational triggers" extern int process_key(char *c); extern const char *print_state(void); #endif /* ADAPTER_B3_23_CONSOLE_H_ */
/* * Copyright 2018 Alexander A. Strelets. All rights reserved. * * Author: Alexander A. Strelets * e-mail: [email protected] * * This program is the proprietary software of the Author and/or his * licensors, and may only be used, duplicated, modified or distributed * pursuant to the terms and conditions of a separate, written license * agreement executed between you and the Author (an "Authorized * License"). Except as set forth in an Authorized License, the Author * grants no license (express or implied), right to use, or waiver of * any kind with respect to the Software, and the Author expressly * reserves all rights in and to the Software and all intellectual * property rights therein. * * IF YOU HAVE NO AUTHORIZED LICENSE, THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO USE THIS * SOFTWARE IN ANY WAY, AND SHOULD IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE AUTHOR AND * DISCONTINUE ALL USE OF THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "simulator.h" struct reg_s reg_1; struct reg_s reg_2; struct control_s control; enum mode_e { MD_EQU, MD_PCT }; static void process_clear(void); static void process_number(enum key_e key); static void process_point(void); static void process_function(enum key_e key); static void process_equal(void); static void process_percent(void); static void clear_all(void); static void clear_display(void); static void enter_number(int digit); static void normalize_display(void); static void push_argument(void); static void exchange_arguments(void); static int calculate(enum mode_e mode); static int isrepeated(void); static int ispercentage(void); static enum func_e getfunc(void); static void setmode(enum mode_e mode); static int calculate_add(void); static int calculate_sub(void); static int calculate_mul(enum mode_e mode); static int calculate_div(enum mode_e mode); static int iszero(struct reg_s *reg); static void clear(struct reg_s *reg); static void normalize(struct reg_s *reg); static void denormalize(struct reg_s *reg); static int justify(struct reg_s *reg); static void round(struct reg_s *reg); static void equalize(struct reg_s *reg_a, struct reg_s *reg_b); static int compare(struct reg_s *reg_a, struct reg_s *reg_b); static void exchange(struct reg_s *reg_a, struct reg_s *reg_b); static int add(struct reg_s *reg_dst, struct reg_s *reg_src); static int sub(struct reg_s *reg_dst, struct reg_s *reg_src); static int islimit_left(struct reg_s *reg); static int islimit_right(struct reg_s *reg); static void shift_left(struct reg_s *reg); static void shift_right(struct reg_s *reg); void key_pressed(enum key_e key) { if (key == KEY_C) { process_clear(); return; } if (control.state == ST_ERROR) { return; } switch (key) { case KEY_0: case KEY_1: case KEY_2: case KEY_3: case KEY_4: case KEY_5: case KEY_6: case KEY_7: case KEY_8: case KEY_9: process_number(key); break; case KEY_P: process_point(); break; case KEY_ADD: case KEY_SUB: case KEY_MUL: case KEY_DIV: process_function(key); break; case KEY_EQU: process_equal(); break; case KEY_PCT: process_percent(); break; default: break; } } static void process_clear(void) { switch (control.state) { case ST_READY: clear_all(); break; case ST_INT: case ST_FRAC: clear_display(); break; case ST_ERROR: break; } control.state = ST_READY; } static void process_number(enum key_e key) { if (control.state == ST_READY) { clear_display(); control.state = ST_INT; } enter_number((int)(key - KEY_0)); } static void process_point(void) { if (control.state == ST_READY) { clear_display(); } control.state = ST_FRAC; } static void process_function(enum key_e key) { if (isrepeated()) { control.func = FN_NOP; } if (control.state != ST_READY) { process_equal(); } if (isrepeated() || control.func == FN_NOP) { push_argument(); } control.func = (key - KEY_ADD + FN_ADD); } static void process_equal(void) { int error; normalize_display(); if (!isrepeated() && control.func != FN_NOP) { exchange_arguments(); } error = calculate(MD_EQU); control.state = error ? ST_ERROR : ST_READY; } static void process_percent(void) { int error; normalize_display(); if (control.func == FN_MUL || control.func == FN_DIV) { exchange_arguments(); } error = calculate(MD_PCT); control.state = error ? ST_ERROR : ST_READY; } static void clear_all(void) { clear(&reg_1); clear(&reg_2); control.func = FN_NOP; } static void clear_display(void) { clear(&reg_1); } static void enter_number(int digit) { if (!islimit_left(&reg_1)) { shift_left(&reg_1); reg_1.d[0] = digit; reg_1.exp += (control.state == ST_FRAC); } } static void normalize_display(void) { normalize(&reg_1); } static void push_argument(void) { reg_2 = reg_1; } static void exchange_arguments(void) { exchange(&reg_1, &reg_2); } static int calculate(enum mode_e mode) { int error; if (mode == MD_EQU) { switch (getfunc()) { case FN_ADD: error = calculate_add(); break; case FN_SUB: error = calculate_sub(); reg_1.neg ^= ispercentage(); break; case FN_MUL: error = calculate_mul(MD_EQU); break; case FN_DIV: error = calculate_div(MD_EQU); break; default: return 0; } } else { switch (getfunc()) { case FN_ADD: case FN_SUB: case FN_MUL: error = calculate_mul(MD_PCT); break; case FN_DIV: error = calculate_div(MD_PCT); break; default: return 0; } } setmode(mode); if (!error) { normalize_display(); } return error; } static int isrepeated(void) { return control.func >= FN_REP_ADD; } static int ispercentage(void) { return control.func >= FN_PCT_ADD; } static enum func_e getfunc(void) { enum func_e func = control.func; if (ispercentage()) { func -= (FN_PCT_ADD - FN_ADD); } else if (isrepeated()) { func -= (FN_REP_ADD - FN_ADD); } return func; } static void setmode(enum mode_e mode) { enum func_e func = getfunc(); if (mode == MD_PCT) { func += (FN_PCT_ADD - FN_ADD); } else { func += (FN_REP_ADD - FN_ADD); } control.func = func; } static int calculate_add(void) { int carry, borrow, reg_1b; struct reg_s reg_2b = reg_2; denormalize(&reg_1); denormalize(&reg_2b); if (reg_1.neg == reg_2b.neg) { equalize(&reg_1, &reg_2b); carry = add(&reg_1, &reg_2b); if (carry != 0) { shift_right(&reg_1); reg_1.d[WIDTH - 1] = carry; reg_1.exp -= 1; if (reg_1.exp < 0) { reg_1.exp += WIDTH; return 1; /* overflow */ } } } else { if (reg_1.exp != reg_2b.exp) { if (reg_1.exp > reg_2b.exp) { exchange(&reg_1, &reg_2b); } reg_1b = reg_1.d[WIDTH - 1]; shift_left(&reg_1); reg_1.exp += 1; equalize(&reg_1, &reg_2b); borrow = sub(&reg_1, &reg_2b); reg_1b -= borrow; if (reg_1b != 0) { shift_right(&reg_1); reg_1.d[WIDTH - 1] = reg_1b; reg_1.exp -= 1; } } else { if (compare(&reg_1, &reg_2b) < 0) { exchange(&reg_1, &reg_2b); } sub(&reg_1, &reg_2b); } } return 0; } static int calculate_sub(void) { int error; reg_2.neg = !reg_2.neg; error = calculate_add(); reg_2.neg = !reg_2.neg; return error; } static int calculate_mul(enum mode_e mode) { int i, digit, carry = 0, exp_2 = reg_2.exp; struct reg_s reg_p; clear(&reg_p); reg_p.exp = justify(&reg_1) + justify(&reg_2) - (WIDTH - 1); reg_p.neg = reg_1.neg ^ reg_2.neg; for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; ++i) { shift_right(&reg_p); reg_p.d[WIDTH - 1] = carry; carry = 0; for (digit = reg_2.d[i]; digit > 0; --digit) { carry += add(&reg_p, &reg_1); } } if (carry != 0) { shift_right(&reg_p); reg_p.d[WIDTH - 1] = carry; reg_p.exp -= 1; } normalize(&reg_2); reg_2.exp = exp_2; reg_1 = reg_p; if (mode == MD_PCT) { reg_1.exp += 2; } if (reg_1.exp < 0) { reg_1.exp += WIDTH; return 1; /* overflow */ } round(&reg_1); return 0; } static int calculate_div(enum mode_e mode) { int i, digit, borrow, reg_1b = 0, exp_2 = reg_2.exp; struct reg_s reg_q; if (iszero(&reg_2)) { clear(&reg_1); reg_1.exp = (WIDTH - 1); return 1; /* overflow */ } clear(&reg_q); reg_q.exp = justify(&reg_1) - justify(&reg_2) + (WIDTH - 1); reg_q.neg = reg_1.neg ^ reg_2.neg; if (compare(&reg_1, &reg_2) < 0) { reg_1b = reg_1.d[WIDTH - 1]; shift_left(&reg_1); reg_q.exp += 1; } for (i = WIDTH - 1; i >= 0; --i) { digit = 0; while (reg_1b != 0 || compare(&reg_1, &reg_2) >= 0) { borrow = sub(&reg_1, &reg_2); reg_1b -= borrow; digit += 1; } reg_q.d[i] = digit; reg_1b = reg_1.d[WIDTH - 1]; shift_left(&reg_1); } digit = 0; while (reg_1b != 0 || compare(&reg_1, &reg_2) >= 0) { borrow = sub(&reg_1, &reg_2); reg_1b -= borrow; digit += 1; } if (digit >= 5) { clear(&reg_1); reg_1.d[0] = 1; add(&reg_q, &reg_1); } if (mode == MD_PCT) { reg_q.exp -= 2; } normalize(&reg_2); reg_2.exp = exp_2; reg_1 = reg_q; if (reg_1.exp < 0) { reg_1.exp += WIDTH; if (reg_1.exp < 0) { reg_1.exp += WIDTH; } return 1; /* overflow */ } round(&reg_1); return 0; } static int iszero(struct reg_s *reg) { int i; for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; ++i) { if (reg->d[i] != 0) { return 0; } } return 1; } static void clear(struct reg_s *reg) { int i; for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; ++i) { reg->d[i] = 0; } reg->exp = 0; reg->neg = 0; } static void normalize(struct reg_s *reg) { while (!islimit_right(reg)) { shift_right(reg); reg->exp -= 1; } if (iszero(reg)) { reg->neg = 0; } } static void denormalize(struct reg_s *reg) { while (!islimit_left(reg)) { shift_left(reg); reg->exp += 1; } } static int justify(struct reg_s *reg) { int exp = reg->exp; reg->exp = 0; denormalize(reg); return exp + reg->exp; } static void round(struct reg_s *reg) { while (reg->exp >= WIDTH) { shift_right(reg); reg->exp -= 1; } } static void equalize(struct reg_s *reg_a, struct reg_s *reg_b) { while (reg_a->exp > reg_b->exp) { shift_right(reg_a); reg_a->exp -= 1; } while (reg_a->exp < reg_b->exp) { shift_right(reg_b); reg_b->exp -= 1; } } static int compare(struct reg_s *reg_a, struct reg_s *reg_b) { int i; for (i = WIDTH - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (reg_a->d[i] > reg_b->d[i]) { return 1; } if (reg_a->d[i] < reg_b->d[i]) { return -1; } } return 0; } static void exchange(struct reg_s *reg_a, struct reg_s *reg_b) { struct reg_s reg_x = *reg_b; *reg_b = *reg_a; *reg_a = reg_x; } static int add(struct reg_s *reg_dst, struct reg_s *reg_src) { int i, digit, carry = 0; for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; ++i) { digit = reg_dst->d[i] + reg_src->d[i] + carry; if (digit < 10) { reg_dst->d[i] = digit; carry = 0; } else { reg_dst->d[i] = digit - 10; carry = 1; } } return carry; } static int sub(struct reg_s *reg_dst, struct reg_s *reg_src) { int i, digit, borrow = 0; for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; ++i) { digit = reg_dst->d[i] - reg_src->d[i] - borrow; if (digit >= 0) { reg_dst->d[i] = digit; borrow = 0; } else { reg_dst->d[i] = digit + 10; borrow = 1; } } return borrow; } static int islimit_left(struct reg_s *reg) { return reg->d[WIDTH - 1] != 0 || reg->exp == WIDTH - 1; } static int islimit_right(struct reg_s *reg) { return reg->d[0] != 0 || reg->exp == 0; } static void shift_left(struct reg_s *reg) { int i; for (i = WIDTH - 1; i > 0; --i) { reg->d[i] = reg->d[i - 1]; } reg->d[0] = 0; } static void shift_right(struct reg_s *reg) { int i, digit, carry; carry = (reg->d[0] >= 5); for (i = 0; i < WIDTH - 1; ++i) { digit = reg->d[i + 1] + carry; if (digit < 10) { reg->d[i] = digit; carry = 0; } else { reg->d[i] = 0; carry = 1; } } reg->d[WIDTH - 1] = carry; }
/* * Copyright 2018 Alexander A. Strelets. All rights reserved. * * Author: Alexander A. Strelets * e-mail: [email protected] * * This program is the proprietary software of the Author and/or his * licensors, and may only be used, duplicated, modified or distributed * pursuant to the terms and conditions of a separate, written license * agreement executed between you and the Author (an "Authorized * License"). Except as set forth in an Authorized License, the Author * grants no license (express or implied), right to use, or waiver of * any kind with respect to the Software, and the Author expressly * reserves all rights in and to the Software and all intellectual * property rights therein. * * IF YOU HAVE NO AUTHORIZED LICENSE, THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO USE THIS * SOFTWARE IN ANY WAY, AND SHOULD IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE AUTHOR AND * DISCONTINUE ALL USE OF THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef SIMULATOR_B3_23_H_ #define SIMULATOR_B3_23_H_ enum key_e { KEY_C, KEY_0, KEY_1, KEY_2, KEY_3, KEY_4, KEY_5, KEY_6, KEY_7, KEY_8, KEY_9, KEY_P, KEY_ADD, KEY_SUB, KEY_MUL, KEY_DIV, KEY_EQU, KEY_PCT }; #define WIDTH (8) struct reg_s { int d[WIDTH]; /* digits of the value, #0 - the rightmost digit */ int exp; /* number of digits to the left of the point */ int neg; /* if the value is negative */ }; extern struct reg_s reg_1; /* displayed argument */ extern struct reg_s reg_2; /* second argument, the constant */ enum state_e { ST_READY = 0, /* after power-on, clear entry, or calculation */ ST_INT, /* entering the integer part of an argument */ ST_FRAC, /* entering the fractional part, point is set */ ST_ERROR /* error after calculation */ }; enum func_e { FN_NOP = 0, /* no operation */ FN_ADD, FN_SUB, FN_MUL, FN_DIV, /* chained calculations */ FN_REP_ADD, FN_REP_SUB, /* repeated calculations */ FN_REP_MUL, FN_REP_DIV, FN_PCT_ADD, FN_PCT_SUB, /* percentage calculations */ FN_PCT_MUL, FN_PCT_DIV }; struct control_s { enum state_e state; enum func_e func; }; extern struct control_s control; extern void key_pressed(enum key_e key); #endif /* SIMULATOR_B3_23_H_ */

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