online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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#my Python masterpiece import sys, subprocess from time import sleep as delay ################################################################################################################################ code = subprocess.Popen(["python", ""],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) tester = str(code.stderr.readline())[2:-3] if tester: print(tester) while True: line = str(code.stderr.readline())[2:-3] if not line: break print(line) sys.exit(1) line = str(code.stdout.readline())[2:-3] ################################################################################################################################ word = line.lower() word_list = [letter for letter in word] current_list = ["_" for l in word] current_shown = " ".join(current_list) tries = 0 letters_attempted = [] print("You get 5 chances.") while True: print(current_shown) letter = input().lower() if (len(letter) == 1) & (letter in __import__("string").ascii_letters): if letter in letters_attempted: print("You already guessed that letter.") elif letter in word_list: print("Yes, it is in my word.") for l in range(len(word_list)): if letter == word_list[l]: current_list[l] = letter else: print("Incorrect.") tries += 1 current_shown = " ".join(current_list) letters_attempted += letter elif (len(letter) == len(word)) & all([l in __import__("string").ascii_letters for l in letter]): print("You tried to guess my word, and you were...") letter = letter.lower() delay(2) if letter == word: print("Correct!") sys.exit(0) else: print("Incorrect.") delay(1) print("The answer was", "\"" + word + "\".") sys.exit(1) else: print("Invalid.") if "".join(current_list) == word: print("You have fully guessed my word!") print("The answer was", "\"" + word + "\".") sys.exit(0) if tries >= 5: print("You have run out of attempts, sorry.") delay(1) print("The answer was", "\"" + word + "\".") sys.exit(1)
hangman box text hello greeting challenge tintinnabulation pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis large word stuff thing game no file school block build construct ocarina eagle pheonix necklace jewelery money ball paper bed blanket pillow doll instrument picture wallhop wall sneer peer item ladder truss mushroom instance python iterate repeat ibex dive rise up down right left direction compass ruler protractor measure time sound noise hear tactile cilia silica ion
class DuplicateWordError(Exception): def __init__(self, word): Exception.__init__(self, "The word \"" + word + "\" was written more than once.") namelist = [] for line in open("secret_words.txt", "r"): line = line.rstrip() if (line != "") & (line not in namelist): namelist.append(line) elif line in namelist: raise DuplicateWordError(line) ################################################################################################################################ from random import randrange as random try: wheelspin = random(0, len(namelist)) except ValueError: print() else: wheelresult = namelist[wheelspin] print(wheelresult)

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Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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