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Source Code   
#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <functional> struct singleton_impl { static singleton_impl& instance() { static singleton_impl impl; return impl; } void log( const std::string& l ) { std::cout << l << std::endl; } }; template<typename Fn> class message { public: message( Fn&& fn ) : m_f { std::forward<Fn>( fn ) } { } ~message() { // Push to message queue m_f( m_ss.str() ); } template<typename T> message& operator<<( const T& msg ) { m_ss << msg; return *this; } private: std::stringstream m_ss; Fn m_f; }; struct logger { auto operator()() { return message { std::bind( static_cast< void(logger::*)( const std::string& )>( &logger::log ) , this , std::placeholders::_1 ) }; } void log( const std::string& l ) { // std::cout << l << std::endl; singleton_impl::instance().log( l ); } }; int main() { logger logger; logger() << "Hello, world ! a number : " << 15 << ". Supports 'operator <<'"; logger.log( "another way" ); { logger() << "Use of RAII"; } auto output = logger(); output << "Output over object."; output << "Appended to the previous text."; return 0; }

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Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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