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############################################################ ## Microsoft ACME Setup - decrypt setup.ini ## ## Version 1.1 nov 2020 Djamana ## ### definitions # Most in here is just necessary 'code noise' # Except mybytearray.getWord() nothing really interesting # so scroll down (till # Init) ... data_strOffset = 0xf STF_CD_NAME_SIZE_MAX = 0x34 STF_CD_ORG_SIZE_MAX = 0x34 STF_CD_SER_SIZE = 0x14 spacefill = "LtRrBceHabCT AhlenN" StrFmt_Pos = "@{:02X}..{:02X}" def myprint(pos, value, description): print ( pos , " {:14s}: '{}'\n".format( description, value ) ) # Encrypted word reader class mybytearray( bytearray ): global StrFmt_Pos def getWord (self, pos, purpose): byte1 = self[ pos ] byte2 = self[ pos+1 ] result = ( byte2 << 4 ) + byte1 - 1717 print ( (StrFmt_Pos + " {:14s}: '{:c}' & '{:c}' => 0x{:02X}") .format( pos, pos+1 +1, purpose, byte1 , byte2 ,result ) ) return result # Simple StringStreamReader # (mis)used for binary data # As long as binary data is in range from 0x20..0x7F that'll be fine class myStream( str ): pos = 0 def getStr (self, len): result = self[ self.pos: self.pos+len ] self.CRC_8 = sum(result.encode("utf-8") ) & 0xff posnow = self.pos_absolute + self.pos self.pos_last = StrFmt_Pos.format( posnow , posnow + len) self.pos += len return result pos_absolute = 0 pos_last = "" CRC_8 = 0 ####################################################################### # ... till HERE # ### Init Enc_dataSize = 0x80 Setup_ini = "setup.ini" ### Loading data... # f=open( Setup_ini , "rb" ) # data = Enc_dataSize ) # STF_CD_SER = ); f.close() # Vs6sp6B - setup.ini : Visual Basic 6 SP3 (2000) data = b'Jj\x1f\x10&\x0fJ~K\x10&\x0fJ~Rjc&J~Rjc\x1e6,Rjc\x1e6 $\x0bM\x1e6 $\x0b]SI $\x0b]SrJJ<]SrJJ?0,rJJ?0\x06/j[?0\x06/j^rJ\x06/j^rJC>=^rJC>\x16\x00/JC>\x16\x00\x04+}I\x16\x00\x04+}sRIj+}sRjj\x1f.sRjj\x1f\x10&\x00' STF_CD_SER = b'53501000000000000000\x00' ### Decrypting data... # 1 descramble bytes (i = 127 + 17 * i) i_data = len(data) - 1 ; descrambled = bytearray() for i_descrambled in range( len(data) ): i_data = (i_data + 0x11 ) & 0b1111111 descrambled.append ( data [i_data] ) # 2 Xor adjacent bytes dec = bytearray() for (byte1, byte2) in zip( descrambled, descrambled[1:] ): dec.append (byte1 ^ byte2) # 3 reverse array dec = dec[::-1] ### Sequencing data... myprint ( StrFmt_Pos.format (0, len(dec)), dec.decode("utf-8" ) , "decrypted data", ) print("_"*80) # Split the decoded data into a binary and a string part data_bin = mybytearray( dec [ 0 : data_strOffset ] ) data_str = myStream ( (dec [ data_strOffset : ]).decode("utf-8" )) data_str.pos_absolute = data_strOffset #0 STF_CD_PIDMODE STF_CD_PIDMODE = ( data_bin[0] & 0x1f ) + 0x40 myprint (StrFmt_Pos.format (0, 1), chr(STF_CD_PIDMODE), "STF_CD_PIDMODE") #1 STF_CD_NAME Name_Len = data_bin.getWord( 0x1 , "Name_Len") if Name_Len > STF_CD_NAME_SIZE_MAX: print ("Error_5 'Name_Len' not in range 1.." + hex(STF_CD_NAME_SIZE_MAX) ) Org_Len = data_bin.getWord( 0x3 , "Org_Len") if Org_Len > STF_CD_ORG_SIZE_MAX : print ("Error_6 'Org_Len' not in range 1.." + hex(STF_CD_ORG_SIZE_MAX) ) STF_CD_NAME = data_str.getStr( Name_Len) # char smaller 0x20? -> Error_7 Name_CRC = data_bin.getWord( 0x5 , "Name_CRC") # checksum mismatch? -> Error_8 org_CRC = data_bin.getWord( 0x7 , "org_CRC") # checksum mismatch? -> Error_10 # Note: ... use data_str.CRC_8 later if you like to test the checksum # dump remaining not used data. # (If these are made to get read via getWord() is just speculation / interpolated.) unused = ( data_bin.getWord( 0x9 , "unused word #1" ) , data_bin.getWord( 0xB , "unused word #2" ) , data_bin.getWord( 0xD , "unused word #3" ) ) myprint ( data_str.pos_last , STF_CD_NAME ,"STF_CD_NAME" ) #2 STF_CD_ORG STF_CD_ORG = data_str.getStr( Org_Len ) # char smaller 0x20? -> Error_9 myprint ( data_str.pos_last , STF_CD_ORG, "STF_CD_ORG") # check remaining fill space remainingData = data_str.getStr( len(data_str) - data_str.pos) myprint ( data_str.pos_last ,remainingData, "remainingData") # print ("remainingData_CRC_8:", hex(data_str.CRC_8)) if not remainingData >= spacefill * ( len(remainingData) // len(spacefill) ): print ( "Error_11 - Fillspace corrupted" ) #3 STF_CD_SER myprint ( StrFmt_Pos.format (Enc_dataSize, Enc_dataSize+STF_CD_SER_SIZE), STF_CD_SER, "STF_CD_SER" ) if len(STF_CD_SER) -1 != STF_CD_SER_SIZE: print ("Error_12 'STF_CD_TRIGGER_Len' is not " + hex(STF_CD_SER_SIZE))

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