online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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Source Code   
#GAME NAME: COMBATTING CRUSTACEANS #Leader: Yoong Tsun Chuen #Members: Tan Ethan, Tan Hsien Jien import random def battlecode_(): hp=92 canmercy=0 mercy=0 crabhp=80 while mercy==0 or hp<=0 or crabhp<=0: print ("Your turn!") print () print ("Choose an action") print ("1.FIGHT") print ("2.ACT") print ("3.ITEM") print ("4.MERCY") battlechoice=int(input("Type a number: ")) if battlechoice==1: attacknumber=random.randint(1,10) attack=int(input("CHOOSE A NUMBER (1-10): ")) atk=attacknumber-attack if atk < 0: atk=atk*-1 print (atk) if atk==0: attackpower=10 if atk==1: attackpower=9 if atk==2: attackpower=8 if atk==3: attackpower=7 if atk==4: attackpower=6 if atk==5: attackpower=5 if atk==6: attackpower=4 if atk==7: attackpower=3 if atk==8: attackpower=2 if atk==9: attackpower=1 crabhp=crabhp-attackpower print ("The number was: "+attacknumber) print ("You did "+attackpower+" damage!") elif battlechoice==2: print() elif battlechoice==3: print() elif battlechoice==4: print() else: print ("What?") print ("*You skip your turn*")

Compiling Program...

Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



Program is not being debugged. Click "Debug" button to start program in debug mode.
