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import re def remove_extra_whitespaces(infile, outfile): file1 = open(infile) text = re.sub("\n\n\n+", "\n\n", file1.close() file2 = open(outfile, "w") formatted = "" for line in text.split("\n"): formatted += " ".join(line.split()) + "\n" file2.write(formatted.strip()) file2.close() #Function to adjust the line length def adjust_linelength(infile, outfile): file1 = open(infile, encoding='utf-8') text = file1.readlines() file1.close() file2 = open(outfile, 'w') line_len = 0 formatted = "" for line in text: if line == "\n": formatted += "\n\n" line_len = 0 continue for word in line.split(): next_word_len = len(word) + 1 if line_len + next_word_len <= 60: formatted += word + " " line_len += next_word_len else: formatted = formatted.strip() + "\n" + word + " " line_len = 0 file2.write(formatted.strip()) file2.close() # Function to write stats for essay def essay_statistics(infile, outfile): file = open(infile) file2 = open(outfile, 'w') non_blank_lines = 0 num_words = 0 sum_word_length = 0 avg_word_length = 0 for line in file: if line != '\n': non_blank_lines = non_blank_lines + 1 num_words = num_words + len(line.split()) for word in line.split(): sum_word_length = sum_word_length + len(word) avg_word_length = sum_word_length // (1.0 * num_words) file2.write('In the file essay.txt' + '\n\n') file2.write('Number of (non-blank) lines : ' + str(non_blank_lines) + '\n') file2.write('Number of words : ' + str(num_words) + '\n') file2.write('Average word length : ' + str(avg_word_length) + '\n') # Function to call all functions in order def format_essay(): file_name = input('Enter name (*.txt) of the file containing the essay: ') remove_extra_whitespaces(file_name, file_name[0:-4] + '_neb.txt') print() print(file_name[0:-4] + '_neb.txt' + ' Created') print() adjust_linelength(file_name[0:-4] + '_neb.txt', file_name[0:-4] + '_final.txt') print() print('The formatted essay is in the file ' + file_name[0:-4] + '_final.txt') print() essay_statistics(file_name[0:-4] + '_final.txt', file_name[0:-4] + '_stats.txt') print() print('The essay statistics are in the file ' + file_name[0:-4] + '_stats.txt') if __name__ == '__main__': # give call to all functions format_essay()
Albuquerque is my turkey and he's feathered and he's fine, And he wobbles and he gobbles and he's absolutely mine He's the best pet you can get yet better than a dog or cat, He's my albuquerque turkey and i'm awfully proud of that Albuquerque is my turkey and he's happy in his bed, 'Cause for our thanksgiving dinner we'll have sphagetti instead
Albuquerque is my turkey and he's feathered and he's fine, And he wobbles and he gobbles and he's absolutely mine He's the best pet you can get yet better than a dog or cat, He's my albuquerque turkey and i'm awfully proud of that Albuquerque is my turkey and he's happy in his bed, 'Cause for our thanksgiving dinner we'll have sphagetti instead
Albuquerque is my turkey and he's feathered and he's fine, And he wobbles and he gobbles and he's absolutely mine He's the best pet you can get yet better than a dog or cat, He's my albuquerque turkey and i'm awfully proud of that Albuquerque is my turkey and he's happy in his bed, 'Cause for our thanksgiving dinner we'll have sphagetti instead
In the file essay.txt Number of (non-blank) lines : 6 Number of words : 63 Average word length : 4.0

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