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#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> #include <chrono> #include <thread> //#include <Windows.h> namespace color { void set(short text = 7, short background = 0) { //SetConsoleTextAttribute( GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), //(background << 4) | text ); } }; void sleep(size_t ms) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(ms)); } template <typename... TT> void BANNER(TT&&... vals) { color::set(10); ((std::cout << vals << std::endl), ...); color::set(); } struct Tovar { std::string name; int cost{0}; void info() { std::cout << " " << std::setw(12) << name << " : " << cost << '\n'; } }; struct Group { std::string name; std::vector<Tovar> t; void push_tovar(std::string n, int cost) { t.push_back(Tovar{n, cost}); } void info() { std::cout << "Tovar----------------------: " << name << '\n'; size_t cnt = 1; for(auto e : t) { std::cout << cnt++ << ". ";; } std::cout << '\n'; } }; struct Cash_register { struct A { std::string* name_group; Tovar* pt; }; std::vector<A> v; void push(std::string* ng, Tovar* t) { v.push_back(A{ng, t}); } void print() { std::cout << "ЧЕК К ОПЛАТЕ ---------------------------- \n" << "| |\n"; int sum = 0; for(auto& p : v) { std::cout << std::left << "| " << std::setw(14) << *p.name_group << " " << std::setw(11) <<>name << " : " << std::setw(5) <<>cost << "|\n"; sum +=>cost; } int n = sum*12/100; std::cout << " ----------------------------------------\n" << "| Сумма : " << std::setw(26) << sum << "|\n" << "| НДС(12%): " << std::setw(26) << n << "|\n" << "| Итого : " << std::setw(26) << sum+n << "|\n" << " ----------------------------------------\n"; v.clear(); all_money += sum+n; } private: int all_money{0}; }; struct Magaz { std::vector<Group> v; void info() { for(auto e : v) {; } } void info_group() { int cnt = 1; for(auto e : v) { std::cout << cnt++ << ". " << << '\n'; } } bool is_good(size_t g) { if(g < v.size()) return true; std::cout << "Нет такой группы!\n"; sleep(1500); return false; } void info_tovar(size_t c) { v[c].info(); } void push_group(std::string n) { v.push_back(Group{n}); } void push_tovar(std::string g, std::string t, int cost) { size_t i = find(g); if(i != std::string::npos) { v[i].push_tovar(t, cost); } } Cash_register cash_register; int getcost(size_t g, size_t c) { if(c < v[g].t.size()) { cash_register.push(&v[g].name, &v[g].t[c]); return v[g].t[c].cost; } else { std::cout << "Нет такого товара!\n\n"; sleep(1500); } return 0; } void print_check() { cash_register.print(); } private: size_t find(std::string n) { for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { if(v[i].name == n) return i; } return std::string::npos; } }; template<class T> void print(short c, T m) { //color::set(c); std::cout << m; //color::set(); } int main() { setlocale(0, ""); BANNER( "///-------------------------------|", "/// FULL LIST. |", "///-------------------------------:"); Magaz m; m.push_group("Мужские носки"); m.push_group("Женские трусы"); m.push_group("Напитки"); m.push_tovar("Мужские носки", "Размер 1", 59 ); m.push_tovar("Мужские носки", "Размер 2", 119); m.push_tovar("Женские трусы", "Резиновые", 299); m.push_tovar("Женские трусы", "Красные", 343); m.push_tovar("Женские трусы", "Белые", 143); m.push_tovar("Напитки" , "Ситро", 70 );; BANNER( "///-------------------------------|", "/// PRESS ENTER FOR GO INTO. |", "///-------------------------------:"); std::cin.get(); int sum = 0; while(true) { system("clear"); BANNER( "///---------------------------|", "/// ALL GROUPS. |", "///---------------------------:"); m.info_group(); std::cout << "\nSumma: "; print(4, sum); std::cout << '\n'; size_t g; std::cout << "Input number group(или 0 для оплаты): "; std::cin >> g; std::cin.ignore(); if(g-- == 0) break; if(m.is_good(g)) while(true) { system("clear"); BANNER( "///-----------------------|", "/// TOVAR OF SELECT GROUP.|", "///-----------------------:"); m.info_tovar(g); std::cout << "\nSumma: "; print(4, sum); std::cout << '\n'; size_t c; std::cout << "Input number tovar(or 0 for exit up): "; std::cin >> c; std::cin.ignore(); if(c-- == 0) break; sum += m.getcost(g, c); } } system("clear"); m.print_check(); if(sum) BANNER( "///--------------------------------------|", "/// Спасибо за покупку - приходите ещё. |", "///--------------------------------------:"); else BANNER( "///--------------------------------------|", "/// Попробуйте взять кредит... |", "///--------------------------------------:"); }

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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