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def display_board(board_: list[list]) -> None: for i in range(3): print(" " + board_[i][0] + " │ " + board_[i][1] + " │ " + board_[i][2]) print("─────┼─────┼─────") print("\n") def plot(board_: list[list], input_position_: int, X_or_O_: str) -> int: if input_position_ < 1 or input_position_ > 9: print("Out of bounds, try again\n") return 1 y = (input_position_ - 1) // 3 x = (input_position_ % 3) - 1 if (board_[y][x] == 'X') or (board_[y][x] == 'O'): print("Already taken, try again\n") return 1 board_[y][x] = X_or_O_ return 0 def win(board_: list[list], X_or_O_: str) -> bool: # 8 total checks for 3 horizontal, 3 vertical, and 2 diagonal rows return (board_[0][0] == X_or_O_ and board_[0][1] == X_or_O_ and board_[0][2] == X_or_O_) or\ (board_[1][0] == X_or_O_ and board_[1][1] == X_or_O_ and board_[1][2] == X_or_O_) or\ (board_[2][0] == X_or_O_ and board_[2][1] == X_or_O_ and board_[2][2] == X_or_O_) or\ (board_[0][0] == X_or_O_ and board_[1][0] == X_or_O_ and board_[2][0] == X_or_O_) or\ (board_[0][1] == X_or_O_ and board_[1][1] == X_or_O_ and board_[2][1] == X_or_O_) or\ (board_[0][2] == X_or_O_ and board_[1][2] == X_or_O_ and board_[2][2] == X_or_O_) or\ (board_[0][0] == X_or_O_ and board_[1][1] == X_or_O_ and board_[2][2] == X_or_O_) or\ (board_[2][0] == X_or_O_ and board_[1][1] == X_or_O_ and board_[0][2] == X_or_O_) def main() -> None: user_input = input("Press enter to play a game of tic-tac-toe / noughts-and-crosses or type 'quit' to exit the program : ").lower() if user_input == "quit": return # initialise variables board = [ ['1', '2', '3'], ['4', '5', '6'], ['7', '8', '9'] ] count = 0 X_or_O = 'X' # game start while not win(board, X_or_O) and (count < 9): count += 1 display_board(board) x_turn = (count % 2 == 1) X_or_O = ( 'X' * (x_turn) ) + ( 'O' * (not x_turn) ) print(X_or_O + "'s turn") input_position = input("Position : ") while type(input_position) != "int": input_position = input("Position (must be an integer) : ") count -= plot(board, input_position, X_or_O) # recount if move is invalid # game end # display results display_board(board) has_winner = win(board, X_or_O) print( (X_or_O + " is the winner !\n") * (has_winner) + ("It's a tie !\n") * (not has_winner) ) main() if __name__ == "__main__": main()

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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