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##### print("Hello, This is a Health Metrics Indicator that tells you about calorific intake!") ### #Asking users for information wwHeight=float(input("\nPlease enter weight in lbs (should be a decimal):")) wwWeight=float(input("\nPlease enter height in ft (should be a decimal):")) ####Calculations newwwHeight= wwHeight*0.0254 newwwweight= wwWeight*0.453592 HMI=newwwweight/(newwwHeight**2) ## HMI=float(HMI) print(f"\nYour HMI is {HMI}") ##If statements if HMI<18.5: print(f"HMI of {HMI} needs calorie increase") elif HMI>=18.25 <25: print(f"HMI of {HMI} should remain current calorie intake") elif HMI>=25 <30: print(f"HMI of {HMI} should reduce calorie intake") elif HMI>=30: print(f"HMI of {HMI} needs a calorie deficit")

Compiling Program...

Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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