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/****************************************************************************** Online C++ Compiler. Code, Compile, Run and Debug C++ program online. Write your code in this editor and press "Run" button to compile and execute it. *******************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class Integer { int m_value; public: Integer() {} Integer(int val) { m_value = val; } inline operator int () const { return m_value; } int operator % (int val) const { if (val == 0) throw("Mod by zero!"); return m_value % val; } int operator / (int val) const { if (val == 0) throw("Divide by zero!"); return m_value / val; } inline int operator * (int val) const { return m_value * val; } }; bool isNumber(char ch) { return ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'; } class String { string m_value; public: String() {} String(const string& val) { m_value = val; } String(const char* val) { m_value = val; } String(int val) { int _val = (val < 0) ? -val : val; do { m_value += (_val % 10) + '0'; _val /= 10; } while (_val != 0); if (val < 0) m_value += '-'; m_value = reverse(); } inline operator string () const { return m_value; } inline size_t length() const { return m_value.length(); } inline String& operator += (char ch) { m_value += ch; return *this; } void assertValid() const { if (length() == 0) throw("Not valid String!"); if (length() == 1 && !isNumber(m_value[0])) throw("Not valid String"); size_t n = 0; if (length() > 1 && m_value[0] == '-') n = 1; for (; n < length(); ++n) if (!isNumber(m_value[n])) throw("Not valid String!"); } inline bool equalsZero() const { assertValid(); size_t n = 0; if (m_value[0] == '-') n = 1; for (; n < length(); ++n) if (m_value[n] != '0') return false; return true; } bool isPositive() const { return m_value[0] != '-'; } bool operator == (const char* val) const { size_t len = strlen(val); if (length() != len) return false; for (size_t n = 0; n < length(); ++n) if (m_value[n] != val[n]) return false; return true; } inline bool operator != (const char* val) const { return ! (*this == val); } inline String insert(size_t n, char ch) { m_value.insert(n, 1, ch); return *this; } String leadZero() const { String result; size_t n = 0; bool pos = isPositive(); if (! pos) n = 1; for (; n < length() - 1; ++n) if (m_value[n] != '0') break; for (; n < length(); ++n) result += m_value[n]; if (result == "0") return result; if (!pos) result.insert(0, '-'); return result; } String reverse() const { String result; if (length() != 0) for (size_t n = length(); n > 0; --n) result += m_value[n - 1]; return result; } inline char operator [] (size_t n) const { return m_value[n]; } String absolute() const { String result; size_t n = 0; if (! isPositive()) n = 1; for (; n < length() - 1; ++n) if (m_value[n] != '0') break; for (; n < length(); ++n) result += m_value[n]; return result; } bool operator < (const String& val) const { if (equalsZero() && val.equalsZero()) return false; if (!isPositive() && val.isPositive()) return true; if (isPositive() && !val.isPositive()) return false; String _this = absolute(); String _val = val.absolute(); if (_this.length() < _val.length()) return isPositive(); else if (_this.length() > _val.length()) return !isPositive(); for (size_t n = 0; n < length(); ++n) if (_this[n] < _val[n]) return isPositive(); else if (_this[n] > _val[n]) return !isPositive(); return false; } inline bool operator >= (const String& val) const { return ! (*this < val); } inline bool operator <= (const String& val) const { if (equalsZero() && val.equalsZero()) return true; if (!isPositive() && val.isPositive()) return true; if (isPositive() && !val.isPositive()) return false; String _this = absolute(); String _val = val.absolute(); if (_this.length() < _val.length()) return isPositive(); else if (_this.length() > _val.length()) return !isPositive(); for (size_t n = 0; n < length(); ++n) if (_this[n] < _val[n]) return isPositive(); else if (_this[n] > _val[n]) return !isPositive(); return true; } bool operator == (const String& val) const { String _this = leadZero(); String _val = val.leadZero(); if (_this.length() != _val.length()) return false; for (size_t n = 0; n < _this.length(); ++n) if (_this[n] != _val[n]) return false; return true; } String operator + (const String& val) const { if (equalsZero()) return val; if (val.equalsZero()) return *this; bool pos = isPositive(); if (pos) { if (!val.isPositive()) return *this - val.absolute(); } else { if (val.isPositive()) return val - absolute(); } String _this = absolute().reverse(); String _val = val.absolute().reverse(); while (_this.length() < _val.length()) _this += '0'; String result; char carry = 0; for (size_t n = 0; n < _this.length(); ++n) { int nn; if (n < _val.length()) nn = (_this[n] - '0') + (_val[n] - '0') + carry; else nn = (_this[n] - '0') + carry; if (nn > 9) { nn -= 10; carry = 1; } else carry = 0; result += nn + '0'; } if (carry == 1) result += '1'; if (!pos) result += '-'; return result.reverse().leadZero(); } String operator += (const string& val) { m_value += val; return *this; } String operator - () const { if (equalsZero()) return *this; if (isPositive()) { String result; result += '-'; result += m_value; return result; } return absolute(); } String operator - (const String& val) const { if (equalsZero()) return - val; if (val.equalsZero()) return *this; bool pos = isPositive(); if (pos) { if (!val.isPositive()) return *this + val.absolute(); if (*this < val) return - (val - *this); } else { if (!val.isPositive()) return (val.absolute() - absolute()); return - (val + absolute()); } String _this = absolute().reverse(); String _val = val.absolute().reverse(); while (_this.length() < _val.length()) _this += '0'; String result; char carry = 0; for (size_t n = 0; n < length(); ++n) { int nn; if (n < _val.length()) nn = (_this[n] - '0') - (_val[n] - '0') - carry; else nn = (_this[n] - '0') - carry; if (nn < 0) { nn += 10; carry = 1; } else carry = 0; result += nn + '0'; } if (!pos) result += '-'; return result.reverse().leadZero(); } String append(char ch) const { string str = m_value; str.push_back(ch); return String(str); } String powerOf10(int n) const { if (n == 0) return *this; if (n > 0) { String result = *this; for (int nn = 0; nn < n; ++nn) result += '0'; return result; } else { String result = absolute().reverse(); n = -n; if (n >= result.length()) { size_t nn = n - result.length(); while (nn != 0) { result += '0'; --nn; } result += ".0"; } else result.insert(n, '.'); if (! isPositive()) result += '-'; return result.reverse(); } } String operator * (const String& val) const { if (equalsZero() || val.equalsZero()) return String("0"); enum { Pos, Neg } sign = Pos; if (isPositive()) { if (! val.isPositive()) sign = Neg; } else { if (val.isPositive()) sign = Neg; } String _this = absolute(); String _val = val.absolute(); size_t p10 = 0; while (_this[_this.length() - p10 - 1] == '0') { ++p10; } _this = _this.substr(0, _this.length() - p10); size_t q10 = 0; while (_val[_val.length() - q10 - 1] == '0') { ++q10; } _val = _val.substr(0, _val.length() - q10); _this = _this.reverse(); _val = _val.reverse(); String result = "0"; for (size_t n = 0; n < _val.length(); ++n) { int x = _val[n] - '0'; for (size_t nn = 0; nn < _this.length(); ++nn) { int y = _this[nn] - '0'; String _mult = String(x * y); result = result + _mult.powerOf10((int) nn + (int) n); } } p10 += q10; while (p10 != 0) { result += '0'; --p10; } if (sign == Neg) result.insert(0, '-'); return result.leadZero(); } String powerOf2() const { if (equalsZero()) return String("1"); String _this = *this; String result; if (isPositive()) { result = "1"; while (! _this.equalsZero()) { result = result * String("2"); _this = _this - 1; } } else { result = "1"; while (! _this.equalsZero()) { result = result / String("2"); _this = _this + 1; } } return result; } inline String substr(size_t n, size_t len) const { return String(m_value.substr(n, len)); } String operator / (const String& val) const { if (val.equalsZero()) throw("Divide by zero!"); if (val == "1") return *this; if (val == "-1") return - *this; enum { Pos, Neg } sign = Pos; if (isPositive()) { if (! val.isPositive()) sign = Neg; } else { if (val.isPositive()) sign = Neg; } String _this = absolute(); String _val = val.absolute(); if (_val.length() > _this.length()) return String("0"); while (_val[_val.length() - 1] == '0' && _this[_this.length() - 1] == '0') { _this = _this.substr(0, _this.length() - 1); _val = _val.substr(0, _val.length() - 1); } String result; if (_val == "1") result = _this; else { String _subthis = _this.substr(0, _val.length()); size_t n = 0; if (_subthis < _val) { _subthis += _this[_val.length()]; n = 1; } for (; n <= _this.length() - _val.length(); ++n) { if (_subthis < _val) { _subthis += _this[_val.length() + n - 1]; _subthis = _subthis.leadZero(); if (_subthis == "0") { result += '0'; continue; } if (_subthis < _val) { result += '0'; continue; } } if (_subthis == _val) { _subthis = "0"; result += '1'; continue; } for (int x = 9; x > 0; --x) { String _xval = _val * String(x); if (_xval <= _subthis) { result += (x + '0'); _subthis = _subthis - _xval; break; } } } } if (sign == Neg) result.insert(0, '-'); return result.leadZero(); } }; ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const String& str) { return os << (string) str; } int main() { try { Integer x(333); Integer y(77); cout << "x =" << x << endl; cout << "x % y = " << x % y << endl; cout << "x / y = " << x / y << endl; cout << "x * y = " << x * y << endl; String s1("11102023"); cout << "leadZero " << s1.leadZero() << endl; cout << "reverse " << s1.reverse() << endl; cout << "absolute " << s1.absolute() << endl; String s2("-1557"); cout << (s1 < s2 ? "Less" : "Not less") << endl; cout << (s1 >= s2 ? "Greater or equal" : "Less") << endl; cout << "s1 + s2 = " << s1 + s2 << endl; cout << "s1 - s2 = " << s1 - s2 << endl; cout << "s1 * s2 = " << s1 * s2 << endl; cout << "s1.powerOf10(-7) " << s1.powerOf10(-7) << endl; //cout << "s1.powerOf2() " << s1.powerOf2() << endl; // Commented because expensive cout << "s1 / s2 = " << s1 / s2 << endl; #if 0 for (int n = 1; n < 100001; ++n) { String s3(n); for (int nn = 1; nn <= n; ++nn) { String s4(nn); String s5(n * nn); cout << n << " * " << nn << " = " << s3 * s4; if (s5 == s3 * s4) cout << " ok" << endl; else throw(" incorrect!"); } } #endif } catch(const char* e) { cerr << e << endl; } return 0; }

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