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#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int LIST_SIZE=0; int No_of_List=0; struct node { int data; node *next; }*head1=NULL,*head2=NULL,*temp,*temp1; bool Empty_List(struct node *head); void Create(struct node **head); void Insert(struct node *head); void Delete(struct node *head); void Merge(struct node *head, struct node *headtemp); void Display(struct node *head); void Operations(); int main() { Create(&head1); return 0; } bool Empty_List(struct node *head) { if (head==NULL) return true; return false; } void Operations() { int a,l; if (No_of_List==2) { cout<<"\n1. Merge both lists (sorted)"; } else { cout<<"\n1. Create another list"; } cout<<"\n2. Insert value\n3. Delete value\n4. Display list\n5. Exit\n"; cout<<"Please select an operation (input no.): "; cin>>a; if (a==1) { if (No_of_List==0) { Create(&head1); } else if (No_of_List==1) { Create(&head2); } else Merge(head1,head2); } if (a==5) { exit(0); } if ((a==2 || a==3 || a==4) && No_of_List==2) { cout<<"\nChoose the list you want to operate on (1/2): "; cin>>l; } if (l==1 || No_of_List==1) { switch(a) { case 2: Insert(head1); break; case 3: Delete(head1); break; case 4: Display(head1); break; default: { cout<<"Invalid choice. Try again"; Operations(); } } } else if (l==2) { switch(a) { case 2: Insert(head2); break; case 3: Delete(head2); break; case 4: Display(head2); break; default: { cout<<"Invalid choice. Try again"; Operations(); } } } } void Create(struct node **head) { if (No_of_List==2) { cout<<"\nCan't create more lists\n"; Operations(); } int n; cout<<"Create a linked list.\n\nEnter the number of elements in the Linked List: "; cin>>n; if (n!=0) { No_of_List++; } LIST_SIZE=n; while(n--) { cout<<"Enter the value to be inserted: "; node *new_node= new node; cin>>new_node->data; new_node->next=0; if(Empty_List(*head)==1) *head=new_node; else { temp=*head; while (temp->next!=NULL) temp=temp->next; temp->next=new_node; } } Operations(); } void Insert(struct node *head) { int choice; cout<<"\n1. Insert at index\n"; cout<<"2. Insert after data\n"; cout<<"Please choose an option: "; cin>>choice; node *new_node = new node; cout<<"Enter the value to be inserted: "; cin>>new_node->data; new_node->next=NULL; if (choice==1) { int index; cout<<"Enter the index: "; cin>>index; if (index==0) // CONDITION NOT WORKING { new_node->next=head; head=new_node; cout<<"Value inserted successfully.\n"; LIST_SIZE++; goto l; return; } if (index>LIST_SIZE) { cout<<"Invalid index."; goto l; return; } temp=head; temp1=NULL; if (Empty_List(head)==1) { cout<<"\nLinked List empty.\n"; } for (int i=0;i<index;i++) { temp1=temp; temp=temp->next; } temp1->next=new_node; new_node->next=temp; cout<<"Value inserted successfully.\n"; LIST_SIZE++; } else if (choice==2) { int a,i=0; cout<<"Enter the value after which new node is to be added: "; cin>>a; temp1=NULL; temp=head; while (temp!=0) { if (a==temp->data) { temp1=temp; temp=temp->next; temp1->next=new_node; new_node->next=temp; cout<<"Value inserted successfully\n"; LIST_SIZE++; goto l; } temp1=temp; temp=temp->next; } cout<<"Value not found in the list."; } else cout<<"Invalid choice."; l:char c; cout<<"\nWould you like to insert another number?(Y/N): "; cin>>c; if (c=='Y' || c=='y') Insert(head); else Operations(); } void Delete(struct node *head) { int choice; cout<<"\n1. Delete at index\n"; cout<<"2. Delete after data\n"; cout<<"Please choose an option: "; cin>>choice; if (choice==1) { int index; cout<<"Enter the index: "; cin>>index; if (index>LIST_SIZE) { cout<<"Invalid index."; goto m; return; } temp=head; temp1=NULL; if (Empty_List(head)==1) { cout<<"\nLinked List empty.\n"; } if (index==0) { *temp=*head; *head=*head->next; goto n; return; } if (index>=LIST_SIZE) { cout<<"\nInvalid Index."; goto m; } for (int i=0;i<index;i++) { temp1=temp; temp=temp->next; } temp1->next=temp->next; free(temp); n: cout<<"Value deleted successfully.\n"; LIST_SIZE--; } else if (choice==2) { int a,i=0; cout<<"Enter the value after which node is to be deleted: "; cin>>a; temp1=NULL; temp=head; while (temp!=0) { if (a==temp->data) { temp1->next=temp->next; free(temp); cout<<"Value deleted successfully\n"; LIST_SIZE--; goto m; } temp1=temp; temp=temp->next; } cout<<"Value not found in the list."; } else cout<<"Invalid choice."; m: char c; cout<<"\nWould you like to delete another number?(Y/N)"; cin>>c; if (c=='Y' || c=='y') Delete(head); else Operations(); } void Merge(struct node *head, struct node *head1) { cout<<"\nList 1: "; temp=head; while (temp->next!=NULL) { cout<<"->"<<temp->data; temp=temp->next; } cout<<"\nList 2: "; temp1=head1; while (temp1->next!=NULL) { cout<<"->"<<temp1->data; temp1=temp1->next; } temp->next=head1; for(temp=head;temp!=0;temp=temp->next) { for(temp1=temp->next;temp1!=0;temp1=temp1->next) { if(temp->data > temp1->data) { int tmp=temp->data; temp->data=temp1->data; temp1->data= tmp; } } } cout<<"\nMerged"; Display(head); } void Display(struct node *head) { cout<<"\nLinked List : "; temp=head; while(temp!=0) { cout<<"->"<<temp->data; temp=temp->next; } cout<<endl; Operations(); }

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