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#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <mutex> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <cstdio> #include <stdexcept> namespace format_helper { template < class Src > inline Src cast (Src v) { return v; } inline const char *cast (const std::string & v) { return v.c_str (); } }; template < typename ... Ts > inline std::string stringfmt (const std::string & fmt, Ts && ... vs) { using namespace format_helper; char b; //not counting the terminating null character. size_t required = std::snprintf (&b, 0, fmt.c_str (), cast (std::forward < Ts > (vs)) ...); std::string result; result.resize (required, 0); std::snprintf (const_cast < char *>( ()), required + 1, fmt.c_str (), cast (std::forward < Ts > (vs)) ...); return result; } struct Point { float x; float y; float z; //this assumed be start Point vectorTo (const Point & end) const { return { end.x - x, end.y - y, end.z - z}; } float len () const //magnitude { return std::sqrt (x * x + y * y + z * z); } Point & operator* (float s) { x *= s; y *= s; z *= s; return *this; } Point & operator+ (float s) { x += s; y += s; z += s; return *this; } Point & operator- (float s) { x -= s; y -= s; z -= s; return *this; } Point & operator/ (float s) { x /= s; y /= s; z /= s; return *this; } Point & normalize () { const float s = 1.f / len (); x *= s; y *= s; z *= s; return *this; } Point cross (const Point & rkVector) const { return { y * rkVector. z - z * rkVector. y, z * rkVector. x - x * rkVector. z, x * rkVector. y - y * rkVector. x}; } friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & out, const Point & c); }; std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & out, const Point & c) { out << "[" << c.x << "; " << c.y << "; " << c.z << "]"; return out; } Point operator + (const Point & a, const Point & b) { return { a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z}; } //dot product (if a & b are perpendicular, dot product is zero) float operator * (const Point & a, const Point & b) { return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z; } const static Point A { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f}; //SOL const static Point B { 67.5, -119.46875, 24.84375}; //Achenar const static Point C { -33.65625, 72.46875, -20.65625}; //Alioth float min (float a, float b, float c) { return std::fmin (a, std::fmin (b, c)); } float max (float a, float b, float c) { return std::fmax (a, std::fmax (b, c)); } Point minp (const Point & a, const Point & b, const Point & c) { return { min (a.x, b.x, c.x), min (a.y, b.y, c.y), min (a.z, b.z, c.z)}; } Point maxp (const Point & a, const Point & b, const Point & c) { return { max (a.x, b.x, c.x), max (a.y, b.y, c.y), max (a.z, b.z, c.z)}; } Point fromInt (uint64_t x, uint64_t y, uint64_t z, float step, const Point & start) { return { x *step + start.x, y * step + start.y, z * step + start.z}; } static void hexchar (unsigned char c, unsigned char &hex1, unsigned char &hex2) { hex1 = c / 16; hex2 = c % 16; hex1 += hex1 <= 9 ? '0' : 'A' - 10; hex2 += hex2 <= 9 ? '0' : 'A' - 10; } std::string urlencode (const std::string & s) { std::vector < char >v; v.reserve (s.size ()); for (const char c:s) { if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '!' || c == '~' || c == '*' || c == '\'' || c == '(' || c == ')') v.push_back (c); else if (c == ' ') v.push_back ('+'); else { v.push_back ('%'); unsigned char d1, d2; hexchar (c, d1, d2); v.push_back (d1); v.push_back (d2); } } return std::string (v.cbegin (), v.cend ()); } std::string createEDSMLink (const Point & point) { const auto params { stringfmt ("x=%0.4f&y=%0.4f&z=%0.4f&radius=20", point.x, point.y, point.z)}; return stringfmt ("", params); } void findInnerCircleCenter () { //for 3 sources we can get coordinates of the center of the inner circle of the triangle // const float a = B.vectorTo (C).len (); const float b = A.vectorTo (C).len (); const float c = A.vectorTo (B).len (); const float summ = a + b + c; const float x = (a * A.x + b * B.x + c * C.x) / summ; const float y = (a * A.y + b * B.y + c * C.y) / summ; const float z = (a * A.z + b * B.z + c * C.z) / summ; std::cout << createEDSMLink (Point { x, y, z}) << std::endl; } void findEquallyRemotePoint () { const auto AB { A.vectorTo (B)}; const auto AC { A.vectorTo (C)}; const auto normal { AB.cross (AC).normalize ()}; //perpendicular to surface ABC } //if it would solid methal triangle ABC then... void findMassCenter () { // const auto summ { A + B + C}; const Point M { summ.x / 3.f, summ.y / 3.f, summ.z / 3.f}; std::cout << createEDSMLink (M) << std::endl; } int main () { findInnerCircleCenter (); //findMassCenter(); return 0; }

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