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/****************************************************************************** BBM201 - Week 7 Example code *******************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX_LIST 6 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define NULL -1 typedef struct{ char name[5]; //other fields int link; } item; item linkedlist[MAX_LIST]; int first; int free_; void initialise() { first = NULL; free_ = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIST; i++) linkedlist[i].link = i + 1; linkedlist[MAX_LIST - 1].link = NULL; } int get_free_slot(int* slot) { if (free_ == NULL) // All slots are occupied return FALSE; else // Return the first free slot *slot = free_; return TRUE; } int find_item(char name[]) { if (first == NULL) // list is empty return NULL; else { // iterate over items for (int p = first; p != NULL; p = linkedlist[p].link) if (strcmp(linkedlist[p].name, name) == 0) return p; } return NULL; } int insert_item(char name[]) { int free_slot; if (get_free_slot(&free_slot)) { // get_free_slot successful strcpy(linkedlist[free_slot].name, name); free_ = linkedlist[free_slot].link; int p = first; int prev = NULL; while (p != NULL && strcmp(linkedlist[p].name, name) < 0) { prev = p; p = linkedlist[p].link; } if (prev == NULL) { // Insert as the first item linkedlist[free_slot].link = first; first = free_slot; } else { linkedlist[free_slot].link = p; linkedlist[prev].link = free_slot; } printf("Item %s inserted. \n", name); return TRUE; } else { // No free slot exists printf("No free slot exists.\n"); return FALSE; } } int delete_item(char name[]) { int p = first; int prev = NULL; while (p != NULL && strcmp(linkedlist[p].name, name) != 0) { prev = p; p = linkedlist[p].link; } if (prev == NULL) // Deleting the first item first = linkedlist[first].link; else if (p != NULL) // Deleting normal item linkedlist[prev].link = linkedlist[p].link; else return FALSE; linkedlist[p].link = free_; free_ = p; return TRUE; } void print_list() { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LIST; i++) { char title[] = "+-+-----+ "; if (i == first) title[4] = 'f'; if (i == free_) title[4] = '0'; printf("%s", title); } printf("\n"); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LIST; i++) printf("| |%-5s| ", linkedlist[i].name); printf("\n"); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LIST; i++) printf("|%d|-----| ", i); printf("\n"); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LIST; i++) printf("| |->%3d| ", linkedlist[i].link); printf("\n"); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LIST; i++) printf("+-+-----+ "); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } void main(void) { initialise(); insert_item("A1"); print_list(); insert_item("B1"); insert_item("C1"); insert_item("D1"); insert_item("E1"); insert_item("F1"); insert_item("G1"); print_list(); printf("delete %s -> %d\n", "G1", delete_item("G1")); print_list(); printf("delete %s -> %d\n", "F1", delete_item("F1")); print_list(); insert_item("G1"); print_list(); printf("delete %s -> %d\n", "C1", delete_item("C1")); print_list(); insert_item("A2"); print_list(); printf("delete %s -> %d\n", "A1", delete_item("A1")); print_list(); }

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