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''' This is a program that solves a 'plus 7 times 10' puzzle, which is when you have a 4 digit counter that needs to equal a particular number and which can only be modified by either adding 7 or multiplying by 10. It was used to solve a puzzle in a point and click game ( ''' import queue import sys value = input('Enter the number you want the counter to reach: ') while True: if not value.isdigit() or len(value) > 4: value = input('Invalid input! Please supply a number that is less than 4 digits long: ') else: break goal = int(value) #throwable object containing moves history to reach goal class ReachedGoal(Exception): def __init__(self, history): super().__init__() self.history = history #perform breath first search on tree of moves and stop as soon as the goal number is reached #this will give the shortest path from 0000 (the root of the tree) to the goal number curr_num = 0 visited = { curr_num } q = queue.Queue() q.put((curr_num, [])) #(current grid, moves history) try: while not q.empty(): (curr_num, history) = q.get() #try performing both x10 and +7 to the current number for (op, new_num) in [ ('x10', (curr_num*10)%10000), ('+7', (curr_num + 7)%10000), ]: new_history = history + [ (op, new_num) ] #add the operation performed and the resulting number to the move history if new_num in visited: continue #goal has been reached if new_num == goal: raise ReachedGoal(new_history) visited.add(new_num) q.put((new_num, new_history)) except ReachedGoal as e: #display history of moves performed in order to reach goal number from 0000 for (step, (op, num)) in enumerate(e.history): print('Step {: >2}: {: <3} ({:0>4})'.format(step+1, op, num))

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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