online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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Source Code    Language
Program B_zone_LEVEL_Calculator; uses crt; Var Respectpointsnow:integer; neededrespectpoints:integer; LevelNow:integer; lvlold:integer; Begin Writeln('Welcome to B-zone-RP-Calculator! Coded by DoPamine.'); Repeat Writeln('LVL='); Readln(Levelnow); Until Levelnow>0; Repeat Writeln('Respectpoints='); Readln(Respectpointsnow); Until Respectpointsnow > 0 ; Repeat writeln('neededrespectpoints='); readln(neededrespectpoints); Until neededrespectpoints > 0 ; lvlold := Levelnow; Repeat If Respectpointsnow+1 > neededrespectpoints then Begin Levelnow:= Levelnow+1; Respectpointsnow:=Respectpointsnow - neededrespectpoints; neededrespectpoints:=neededrespectpoints + 4 ; End; Until Respectpointsnow < neededrespectpoints; Writeln('Your Level Will Be Level ', Levelnow,' After Buying Level For ', Levelnow - lvlold,' times.' ); Writeln('and You''ll Have ',Respectpointsnow,' Repect Points Left') end.

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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