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#include <limits> #include <iostream> #include "Btree.h" #include "Llist.h" #include "Stack.h" using namespace std; int main() { //input numbers into linked list cout << "How many items in list? "; int lsize; cin >> lsize; Llist mylist; int inpt; for (int i = 1; i < (lsize + 1); i++) { cout << "Please input item #" << i << ": "; cin >> inpt; mylist.push_back(inpt); } cout << "List created!" << endl; mylist.output(cout); Btree mytree = Btree(mylist); //convert to tree cout << "Tree created!\n"; cout << "In-order traversal: \n\n"; mytree.in_order_traverse(cout, ' '); //in-order traverse return 0; }
#pragma once #include <limits> class BTNode { public: int val; BTNode* right; BTNode* left; BTNode() { val = INT_MIN; right = nullptr; left = nullptr; } BTNode(int inpt) { val = inpt; right = nullptr; left = nullptr; } };
#pragma once #include <limits> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Llist { public: Llist() { = nullptr; head.val = INT_MIN; iterator = &head; last = &head; mysize = 0; } ~Llist() { node* ptr =; node* ptr2; while (ptr != nullptr) { ptr2 = ptr->next; delete ptr; ptr = ptr2; } } void push_back(int newval) { last->next = new node; last = last->next; last->val = newval; mysize++; } int pop_front() { if ((mysize == 0) || ( == nullptr)) { return INT_MAX; }; node* tmp =; =>next; int tmpval = tmp->val; delete tmp; mysize--; return tmpval; } int lsize() { return mysize; } void output(ostream& out = cout) { node* tmp =; out << "Current Linked List: [ "; while (tmp != nullptr) { out << tmp->val << " "; tmp = tmp->next; } out << "]\n" << endl; } int iterate() {// advances iterator and returns next value in list //returns INT_MAX if no more values if (iterator->next == nullptr) { return INT_MAX; } else { iterator = iterator->next; return iterator->val; } } void set_it() { //resets iterator to start of list iterator = &head; return; } private: class node { public: int val; node* next; node() { val = INT_MIN; next = nullptr; } node(int inpt) { val = inpt; next = nullptr; } }; node head; //dummy node pointing to first node (or null) node* last; //points to last node, head if list is empty node* iterator; int mysize; };
#pragma once using namespace std; #include <iostream> #include <limits> #include "BTNode.h" const int DefaultSize = 100; const int NullData = 0; typedef BTNode* datatype; class Queue { /*array-based queue; Insert inserts at end, delete deletes front, and display displays front*/ public: Queue(): front(0), end(0), allocated(DefaultSize) { myarray = (datatype*)malloc(DefaultSize * sizeof(datatype)); if (myarray == nullptr) { cout << "space not available for operation\n"; allocated = 0; return; }; } Queue(int requested): front(0), end(0), allocated(requested) { myarray = (datatype*)malloc(requested * sizeof(datatype)); if (myarray == nullptr) { cout << "space not available for operation\n"; allocated = 0; return; }; front = 0; end = 0; allocated = requested; } ~Queue() { if (myarray != nullptr) free(myarray); }; /*dataype peek() { if (front != end) { return myarray[front]; } else return NullData; }*/ void displayall(ostream& out, char separator) { if (front == end) { cout << "Queue empty.\n"; return; }; int tmp = front; while (tmp != end) { out << (myarray[tmp]->val) << separator; //should add end of list marker tmp = (tmp + 1) % allocated; } } datatype dequeue() { if (front == end) { cout << "Queue empty!\n\n"; return (BTNode*)nullptr; }; int tmp = front; front = (front + 1) % allocated; return myarray[tmp]; }; int enqueue(datatype newdata) { //adds newdata to back of queue. If successful returns 1, otherwise 0 if (((end + 1) % allocated) == front)//queue full-resize??? { resize(allocated * 2); }; myarray[end] = newdata; end = (end + 1) % allocated; return 1; } int currsize() { //returns number of slots allocated for queue return allocated; }; int elements() { //returns number of elements currently in queue return (end + allocated - front) % allocated; //allows for wraparound } bool full() { //indicates if queue is full return ((end + 1) % allocated) == front; } bool empty() { //indicates if queue is empty return (front == end); } private: int front; // points to first valid element in queue. If queue empty, points to same element as end int end; //end of queue (insertion point)--first empty element int allocated; //elements in array, not just elements used datatype* myarray; void resize(int newsize) { datatype *newarray = new datatype[newsize]; if (newarray == nullptr) { return; }; if (front == end) { delete myarray; myarray = newarray; front = 0; end = 0; return; }; //copy queue int tmp = 0; while (((front + tmp) % allocated != end) && (tmp < newsize)) { newarray[tmp] = myarray[(front + tmp) % allocated]; tmp++; } front = 0; end = tmp; allocated = newsize; delete myarray; myarray = newarray; } };
#pragma once #pragma once #include <limits> #include "BTNode.h" typedef BTNode* T; extern const T BAD_DATA= (T)nullptr; class Stack //stack of integers of given size //convert to template!!! { public: Stack(int requested) { ssize = requested; stored = 0; bottom = new T[requested]; top = bottom; //top points to empty slot } ~Stack() { delete[ssize] bottom; } void push(T val) { (*top) = val; top++; stored++; } T pop() { if (top == bottom) { return BAD_DATA; }; top--; T tmp = (*top); stored--; return tmp; } bool is_empty() { return { stored == 0 }; } private: int ssize, stored; T* bottom; T* top; void resize() { //create new array, twice size Stack* newarr = new Stack(ssize * 2); T* tmp = this->bottom; for (int i = 0; i < ssize; i++) { newarr->push(*tmp); tmp++; } delete this->bottom; this->bottom = newarr->bottom; this->top = tmp; ssize = ssize * 2; } };
#pragma once #include "Llist.h" #include "Stack.h" #include "Queue.h" #include <iostream> #include "BTNode.h" using namespace std; class Btree { public: Btree() : root(nullptr), btsize(0) { //create empty binary tree ; } Btree(Llist& mylist) : root(nullptr), btsize(0) { //construct from list assuming mylist represents pre-fix ordered binary tree root = new BTNode(); btsize = 1; root->val = mylist.pop_front(); //traverse list to put in bst Queue tmpqueue; //contains queue of all parent BTNodes without children, in topographical (l->r) order int pulled_val=root->val; //prime queue with parent BTNode* bst_ptr{root}; tmpqueue.enqueue(bst_ptr); while (pulled_val < INT_MAX) { //pull parent pointer off list bst_ptr = tmpqueue.dequeue(); //pull 2 values off list-- pulled_val = mylist.pop_front(); if (pulled_val < INT_MAX) { bst_ptr->left = new BTNode(pulled_val); tmpqueue.enqueue(bst_ptr->left); btsize++; } pulled_val = mylist.pop_front(); if (pulled_val < INT_MAX) { bst_ptr->right = new BTNode(pulled_val); tmpqueue.enqueue(bst_ptr->right); btsize++; } } } void in_order_traverse(ostream& out, char spacer) { Stack mystack(100); BTNode* ptr = root; while (!mystack.is_empty() || ptr != nullptr) { while (ptr != nullptr) { mystack.push(ptr); ptr = ptr->left; } if (!mystack.is_empty()) { ptr = mystack.pop(); //get stuck here popping 4 out << ptr->val << spacer ; ptr = ptr->right; } out << endl; //if () break; //if (!(mystack.is_empty())) { ptr = mystack.pop(); }; } } private: int btsize; BTNode* root; };

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