online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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# coding=utf8 # the above tag defines encoding for this document and is for Python 2.x compatibility import re regex = r"(\\u[0-9a-zA-Z]{4})(?!\\u[0-9a-zA-Z]{4}).*?(\\u[0-9a-zA-Z]{4})" test_str = ("\\u0442\\u0435\\u043a\\u0441\\u0442\\u0020\\u0432\\u0020\\u044e\\u043d\\u0438\\u043a\\u043e\\u0434\n\n" "\\u0442\\u0435dsds\\n\\u043a\\u0441\\u0442das\\u0020\\u0432dsdddddd\\u0020\\u044e\\u043d\\n\\n\\n\\u0438\\u043a\\u043e\\u0434") subst = "\\1\\2" # You can manually specify the number of replacements by changing the 4th argument result = re.sub(regex, subst, test_str, 0) if result: print (result) # Note: for Python 2.7 compatibility, use ur"" to prefix the regex and u"" to prefix the test string and substitution.

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