online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "text_parser.h" #include "gcode_parser.h" #define TEXT_TEST_1 \ "G21 G40 G17.1 G90\n" \ "(comment) G4 P0.5\n" \ "G04 X0.120 P7 I12.4 \r\n" \ "illegal line\n" \ "n0001 M3S 6000 \r\n" \ "(G2/G3) G002 X0.2 Y0.4 I1.1 J2.2 ;R1.5 (P1) \n" \ "N2 G00\tX+0 Y-0.0 F200.0\n" \ "\n" \ "G1 X+.01(cmnt1)Y+10.123 (cmnt2) ; Z -10\r\n" \ "\tX 100Y-100.000 (Z100\n" \ "M002 ; G0 X0 Y0" int main() { char *gcode_text = TEXT_TEST_1; char *text = gcode_text; char *line; int line_size; int line_num = 0; int full_line_size; gcode_line_data_t data; printf("text size = %lu bytes\n\n", strlen(text)); while ( text && *text && (line = text_get_line(text, &line_size, &full_line_size)) ) { // print line printf("`"); text_print_line(line); printf("` (%i bytes, #%i)\n", line_size, line_num++); // parse line for gcodes memset((char *)&data, 0, sizeof data); if ( gcode_parse_line(line, &data) ) gcode_line_data_print(&data); // go to next line text += full_line_size; } return 0; }
#ifndef GCODE_PARSER_H #define GCODE_PARSER_H #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #define GCODE_DEBUG_PRINT 1 #define GCODE_TIME_BENCHMARK 1 #define GCODE_WORDS_SEARCH_S "NGXYZFIJKMTSHDPQRLEABCUVWO" \ "ngxyzfijkmtshdpqrleabcuvwo" \ "(;\r\n" #define GCODE_COMMENT1_START_C '(' #define GCODE_COMMENT1_END_C ')' #define GCODE_COMMENT2_START_C ';' #define GCODE_RETURN_C '\r' #define GCODE_NEWLINE_C '\n' #define GCODE_G_CNT 100 #define GCODE_M_CNT 200 typedef struct { uint32_t found; // found gcode words mask uint8_t G[GCODE_G_CNT]; // found G codes masks uint8_t M[GCODE_M_CNT]; // found M codes masks // found other codes values (NXYZFIJKTSHDPQRLEABCUVWO) float N; float X; float Y; float Z; float F; float I; float J; float K; float T; float S; float H; float D; float P; float Q; float R; float L; float E; float A; float B; float C; float U; float V; float W; float O; } gcode_line_data_t; //inline int gcode_parse_line(char *line, gcode_line_data_t *data) { char *fc; char c; float f; int code; int words_found = 0; #if GCODE_TIME_BENCHMARK clock_t begin; clock_t end; double time_spent; static double time_spent_total = 0; #endif #if GCODE_TIME_BENCHMARK begin = clock(); #endif #define d (*data) // search for gcode word chars while ( line && *line && (fc = strpbrk(line, GCODE_WORDS_SEARCH_S)) ) { // parse ';' comments and '\r','\n' chars if ( *fc == GCODE_COMMENT2_START_C || *fc == GCODE_RETURN_C || *fc == GCODE_NEWLINE_C ) break; // parse "(...)" comments if ( *fc == GCODE_COMMENT1_START_C ) { fc = strchr(fc, GCODE_COMMENT1_END_C); if ( !fc ) break; line = fc + 1; continue; } // goto next char line = fc+1; // get gcode pair values (char+float) if ( sscanf(fc, "%c%f", &c, &f) < 2 || c != *fc ) continue; // gcode name to uppercase if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) c = 'A' + (c-'a'); // parse g code values if ( c == 'G' ) { // G codes code = (int)(10 * f); if ( code >= 0 && code < (GCODE_G_CNT*10) ) { d.found |= 1 << (c-'A'); d.G[code/10] |= 1 << (code%10); words_found++; } } else if ( c == 'M' ) { // M codes code = (int)(10 * f); if ( code >= 0 && code < (GCODE_M_CNT*10) ) { d.found |= 1 << (c-'A'); d.M[code/10] |= 1 << (code%10); words_found++; } } else { // other codes - NXYZFIJKTSHDPQRLEABCUVWO d.found |= 1 << (c-'A'); words_found++; switch (c) { case 'N': d.N = f; break; case 'X': d.X = f; break; case 'Y': d.Y = f; break; case 'Z': d.Z = f; break; case 'F': d.F = f; break; case 'I': d.I = f; break; case 'J': d.J = f; break; case 'K': d.K = f; break; case 'T': d.T = f; break; case 'S': d.S = f; break; case 'H': d.H = f; break; case 'D': d.D = f; break; case 'P': d.P = f; break; case 'Q': d.Q = f; break; case 'R': d.R = f; break; case 'L': d.L = f; break; case 'E': d.E = f; break; case 'A': d.A = f; break; case 'B': d.B = f; break; case 'C': d.C = f; break; case 'U': d.U = f; break; case 'V': d.V = f; break; case 'W': d.W = f; break; case 'O': d.O = f; break; } } } #undef d gcode_parse_end: #if GCODE_TIME_BENCHMARK end = clock(); time_spent = (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; time_spent_total += time_spent; #if GCODE_DEBUG_PRINT >= 1 printf(" %f seconds (this line), %f seconds (all lines)\n", time_spent, time_spent_total); #endif #endif #if GCODE_DEBUG_PRINT >= 1 printf(" %i gcode words found\n", words_found); #endif return words_found; } //inline int gcode_line_data_print(gcode_line_data_t *data) { int c; int sc; if ( !data ) return -1; #define d (*data) if ( !d.found ) return 0; // print G codes if ( d.found & (1<<('G'-'A')) ) { for ( c = 0; c < GCODE_G_CNT; c++ ) { if ( !d.G[c] ) continue; if ( d.G[c] == 1 ) { printf(" G%i\n", c); continue; } for ( sc = 0; sc < 8; sc++ ) { if ( d.G[c] & (1<<sc) ) printf(" G%i.%i\n", c, sc); } } } // print M codes if ( d.found & (1<<('M'-'A')) ) { for ( c = 0; c < GCODE_M_CNT; c++ ) { if ( !d.M[c] ) continue; if ( d.M[c] == 1 ) { printf(" M%i\n", c); continue; } for ( sc = 0; sc < 8; sc++ ) { if ( d.M[c] & (1<<sc) ) printf(" M%i.%i\n", c, sc); } } } // print other codes if ( d.found & (1<<('N'-'A')) ) printf(" N%f\n", d.N); if ( d.found & (1<<('X'-'A')) ) printf(" X%f\n", d.X); if ( d.found & (1<<('Y'-'A')) ) printf(" Y%f\n", d.Y); if ( d.found & (1<<('Z'-'A')) ) printf(" Z%f\n", d.Z); if ( d.found & (1<<('F'-'A')) ) printf(" F%f\n", d.F); if ( d.found & (1<<('I'-'A')) ) printf(" I%f\n", d.I); if ( d.found & (1<<('J'-'A')) ) printf(" J%f\n", d.J); if ( d.found & (1<<('K'-'A')) ) printf(" K%f\n", d.K); if ( d.found & (1<<('T'-'A')) ) printf(" T%f\n", d.T); if ( d.found & (1<<('S'-'A')) ) printf(" S%f\n", d.S); if ( d.found & (1<<('H'-'A')) ) printf(" H%f\n", d.H); if ( d.found & (1<<('D'-'A')) ) printf(" D%f\n", d.D); if ( d.found & (1<<('P'-'A')) ) printf(" P%f\n", d.P); if ( d.found & (1<<('Q'-'A')) ) printf(" Q%f\n", d.Q); if ( d.found & (1<<('R'-'A')) ) printf(" R%f\n", d.R); if ( d.found & (1<<('L'-'A')) ) printf(" L%f\n", d.L); if ( d.found & (1<<('E'-'A')) ) printf(" E%f\n", d.E); if ( d.found & (1<<('A'-'A')) ) printf(" A%f\n", d.A); if ( d.found & (1<<('B'-'A')) ) printf(" B%f\n", d.B); if ( d.found & (1<<('C'-'A')) ) printf(" C%f\n", d.C); if ( d.found & (1<<('U'-'A')) ) printf(" U%f\n", d.U); if ( d.found & (1<<('V'-'A')) ) printf(" V%f\n", d.V); if ( d.found & (1<<('W'-'A')) ) printf(" W%f\n", d.W); if ( d.found & (1<<('O'-'A')) ) printf(" O%f\n", d.O); #undef d return 0; } #endif
#ifndef TEXT_PARSER_H #define TEXT_PARSER_H #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define TEXT_RETURN_C '\r' #define TEXT_NEWLINE_C '\n' #define TEXT_NEWLINE_PATTERN_S "\r\n" #define TEXT_LINE_MAX_SIZE 256 //inline char *text_get_line(char *text, int *line_size, int *full_line_size) { char *new_line; if ( !text || !*text ) goto line_not_found; new_line = strpbrk(text, TEXT_NEWLINE_PATTERN_S); if ( !new_line ) new_line = memchr(text, 0, TEXT_LINE_MAX_SIZE); if ( !new_line ) goto line_not_found; *line_size = (int) (new_line - text); *full_line_size = *line_size + strspn(new_line, TEXT_NEWLINE_PATTERN_S); return text; line_not_found: *line_size = 0; *full_line_size = 0; return NULL; } //inline int text_print_line(char *line) { int i; if ( !line || !(*line) ) return 0; for ( i = 0; line[i] && line[i] != TEXT_RETURN_C && line[i] != TEXT_NEWLINE_C; i++ ) printf("%c", line[i]); return i; } #endif

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