online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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Source Code    Language
list1=["國文","數學","自然"] list2=[["a","國文",100], ["a","數學",20], ["a","自然",40], ["b","國文",30], ["b","數學",100], ["c","自然",60] ] # 科目的總數 total_number_of_subjects = len(list1) # 科目 <-> 科目流水號的對應 subject_idx = { subject:list1.index(subject) for subject in list1 } # 學生 <-> 各科成績的對應 student_score = {} # 讀取資料,填入學生和各科成績到student_score for student, subject, score in list2: if student not in student_score: student_score[student] = [ None for _ in range(total_number_of_subjects) ] student_score[student][ subject_idx[subject] ] = score result = [] # 輸出每個學生的成績資料到result for student in sorted(student_score.keys()): cur_entry = [student] + student_score[student] result.append(cur_entry) print(result)

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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