online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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/****************************************************************************** Online C++ Compiler. Code, Compile, Run and Debug C++ program online. Write your code in this editor and press "Run" button to compile and execute it. *******************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include "list_.h" #include "sznur.h" using namespace std; int main() { for (size_t i=0;i<3;i++) { cout<<"\n___________START_______________________________________\n"; sznur sz; sz.dodaj(); sz.print(); sz.usun(); cout<<"\n___________ROZWIAZANIE___START_______________________________________\n"; sz.print(); cout<<"\n___________ROZWIAZANIE___END_______________________________________\n"; } }
#include "list_.h" list_::~list_() { while(first) { std::cout<<first->data<<"->"; element* temp=first; first=first->next; delete temp; } std::cout<<std::endl; } int list_:: size()const { int n=0; element *temp=first; while(temp) { temp=temp->next; n++; } return n; } void list_::print() { element* current=first; while(current) { std::cout<<current->data<<"->"; current=current->next; } std::cout<<"nullptr"<<std::endl; }
#include "sznur.h" sznur::sznur() { //ctor } sznur::~sznur() { //dtor } void sznur::dodaj() { int data; do { std::cin>>data; if( break; l.push(data); } while(std::cin.peek()!='\n'); } void sznur::usun() { using Node = element; // using Node->nast=Node->next; /// Node*zaszuk=nullptr; Node*a=l.getFirst(); Node* last = a; int stop=10; while(a!=nullptr && a->next!=nullptr && a->next->next!=nullptr&&stop--) { Node*jeden=a; Node*dwa=a->next; Node*trzy=a->next->next; std::cout<<"jeden dwa trzy "<<jeden->data<<' '<<dwa->data<<' '<<trzy->data<<std::endl; float srd=(jeden->data+trzy->data)/2.0; float wartosc=dwa->data-srd; wartosc=wartosc<0?wartosc*(-1):wartosc; bool flaga = wartosc<0.000000001; std::cout<<"\n wartosc="<<wartosc<<", flaga="<<flaga<<std::endl; if(flaga /**dwa->date==srd*/) { /// jeden->next = trzy->next; jeden->next=trzy; delete dwa; /// zaszuk=jeden; /// a=zaszuk->next; if(trzy->next!=nullptr) { last=trzy; a=last->next; } else { last=trzy; a=last->next=nullptr; } } else { /// if(zaszuk!=nullptr) { /// zaszuk->next=trzy->next; /// } else { /// pocz=trzy->next; /// } /// jeden->next=trzy->next; if(last==l.getFirst()) { for(int i=0; i<3; i++) l.pop(); last=a=l.getFirst(); } else if(trzy->next!=nullptr) { delete jeden; delete dwa; last->next=trzy->next; a=last->next; delete trzy; } else { delete jeden; delete dwa; delete trzy; a=last->next=nullptr; break; } /// ileJest=ileJest-3; /// zaszuk=trzy; /// a=zaszuk->next; } } }
#ifndef LIST__H #define LIST__H #include <iostream> class list_ { protected: struct element; public: virtual ~list_(); list_()=default; // last=nullptr; list_(list_ & l)=delete; list_ & operator = (list_ & l)=delete; inline void push(int data); inline void pop(); int size()const; bool empty()const {return first?0:1;} void print(); element* getFirst() { return first; } void setFirst(element * node) { first=node; } //////////////////////////////////////////////private/ protected: int length=0; // c++ 11 element* first=nullptr; element* last=nullptr; //c++ 11 /////////////////////////////////////////////private::implementation/ struct element { element(int set_data):data(set_data) {} int data; element* next=nullptr; ~element() { std::cout<<"(del "<<data<<") "; } }; }; void list_:: push(int a) { if(last) { last->next=new element(a); last=last->next; } else { last=new element(a); first=last; } length++; } void list_:: pop() { if(first!=last) { element* temp=first; first = first ->next; delete temp; length--; } else if(first) { last=nullptr; delete first; first=nullptr; length--; } else { std::cout<<"lista jest pusta"<<std::endl; } } #endif // LIST__H
#ifndef SZNUR_H #define SZNUR_H #include "list_.h" class sznur : list_ { public: sznur(); virtual ~sznur(); void usun(); void dodaj(); void print() {l.print();} element * first = l.getFirst(); element * curent = first; // protected: private: list_ l; }; #endif // SZNUR_H

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